Photography News499 articles

Photographer on the Scene Documents the Aftermath of a Massive Tornado in Oklahoma

Photographer on the Scene Documents the Aftermath of a Massive Tornado in Oklahoma

Fourteen years after Oklahoma suffered the most violent tornado ever recorded in the United States, residents once again had their lives carried away on the winds of a relentless and destructive twister. This CBS News video clip interviews Nate Billings, a staff photographer for The Oklahoman newspaper who captured some poignant images at ground zero […]

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Google Plus Announces New Photography Features

Google Plus Announces New Photography Features

Social media site Google+ is releasing a roundup of intriguing new photo tools intended to make taking, sorting, and editing pictures on your smartphone simpler and easier. For a quick overview of the new features, check out the video below: Here’s a rundown of the new photo tools: Auto Backup: automatically saves photos taken on […]

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Unusual Concept in the News: Organized Photobomb Photography Session

Unusual Concept in the News: Organized Photobomb Photography Session

The comedic timing of a well played photobomb is unrivaled in photographic comedy. So much in fact, that even celebrities are getting in on the humor. In the video below, Ken Jeong, crashes a fashion photoshoot, stealing the spotlight from the steamy models. Jeong is well known for his role on the TV series, Community, […]

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Interview With Ukrainian Roofer Photographers

Interview With Ukrainian Roofer Photographers

It appears as though the death defying antics of the two Ukrainian photographers who are notorious for free climbing skyscrapers are still at it. After the first set of images posted last year went viral, the pair of roofers replied with a second stomach-churning group of photos. The roofers’ actions have been met with both widespread criticism and amazement. […]

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Why Photograph Your Food? Why Not Photograph a Stranger’s Food?

Why Photograph Your Food? Why Not Photograph a Stranger’s Food?

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. A food photography problem, that is. Instagram is riddled with pictures of photographers’ meals. Ranging from simple meals at home to extravagant fare at the fanciest of restaurants, the abundant photos of food make you wonder if the person behind the lens ever eats […]

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Asian Photography Stereotypes

Asian Photography Stereotypes

Every type of artist has a stereotype: the painter wears glasses and a beret, the rock star has long hair and does a lot of drugs, the writer is poor and drinks frequently. The photographer is no exception in this respect. Many of us share the same quirks, and Youtube group JinnyboyTV pokes fun at […]

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Amazing De-Blurring Feature Coming to the Next Photoshop

Amazing De-Blurring Feature Coming to the Next Photoshop

It looks like the product developers in the Adobe offices have been working hard to bring improvements and new features to their popular line of photo editing software. Coming in on the heels of the new Lightroom 5 Beta announcement, the Senior Photoshop Product Manager,  Zorana Gee, announced this week that the software makers are planning […]

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These Photos of a Ukrainian Roofer Will Give You Vertigo

These Photos of a Ukrainian Roofer Will Give You Vertigo

When people think of being a professional photographer, they don’t often think of it as being a high risk career. But, once taking a look at these photographs one might reconsider. The subject, a Ukrainian roofer, risks his life by climbing and hanging from towering buildings and scaffolding. The brave photographer follows suit, putting his […]

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5 Amazing New Features Coming to Adobe Lightroom 5

5 Amazing New Features Coming to Adobe Lightroom 5

Adobe has recently released its latest version of Lightroom into beta and reviews of its usability and new features are already beginning to garner widespread positive attention. Some of the features have been long awaited, while others come as a pleasant surprise. In the video below, Lightroom 5 Beta user, Trevor Dayley, takes a few […]

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A Hyperlapse Made Entirely of Google Street View Photos

A Hyperlapse Made Entirely of Google Street View Photos

A truly fresh and clever idea. Teehan+Lax, a digital experience company, has created a hyperlapse video using photos taken from Google’s Street View. The particular unit which created the hyperlapse says that they are “tasked with exploring the creative uses of technology in the digital channel and framing technical possibilities for the agency, clients, and […]

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