Photography News500 articles

Kodachrome Film Documentary

Kodachrome Film Documentary

Kodachrome revolutionized the world of photography, bringing color into a world that was previously seen in black in white. In the mid-1930’s Kodak began marketing the film to the public as a 16mm movie film. The popularity of the film created a demand for the film to be produced in other formats. Shortly after, Kodachrome was available not just as movie film, but also in 35mm and 120 for use in still cameras. The use of the slide film was wide spread and stayed at the forefront of color photography for decades to follow. Known for its vibrant color saturation, sharpness, and archival qualities Kodachrome will go down in history as one of the notable film processes.

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Sh*t Photographers Say (And the Shtuff Clients Say Back)

Sh*t Photographers Say (And the Shtuff Clients Say Back)

In the last month there has been a number of variations on the viral video “The sh*t people say” As photographers, especially in the digital age, we have our own repertoire of such sayings and it was inevitable that there would a be photographic version before long. In fact, two have gone viral this week, the first is “Sh*t Photographers Say (Official)” shown below. How many of you have said or heard one of these things? Join the discussion on the PictureCorrect Facebook Page.

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The Battle at F-Stop Ridge Continues

The Battle at F-Stop Ridge Continues

When the team at The Camera Store in Calgary decided to make a commercial for their store, none of them expected for it to become an internet sensation. You can imagine their delight when “The Battle at F-Stop Ridge” racked up over two million views and was featured on the homepage of Youtube. The creative ad spot features a battle of epic proportions; however these soldiers traded in their guns and ammo for cameras and film. If you haven’t seen the ad yet, take a look here.

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Nikon D800: Announced Today with a Staggering 36.3 Megapixels

Nikon D800: Announced Today with a Staggering 36.3 Megapixels

Today, imaging leader Nikon Inc. announced the highly anticipated D800 HD-SLR, engineered to provide extreme resolution, astounding image quality and valuable video features optimized for professional still and multimedia photographers and videographers. A camera with an unmatched balance of accuracy, functionality and image quality, the Nikon D800 realizes innovations such as a high resolution 36.3-megapixel FX-format CMOS sensor, a 91,000-pixel RGB Matrix Metering System, Advanced Scene Recognition System and many other intuitive features designed to create the preeminent device for the most demanding photo and video applications.

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Fotoshop: The Next Revolution in Beauty Goes Viral

Fotoshop: The Next Revolution in Beauty Goes Viral

Northern California filmmaker Jesse Rosten regularly directs imaginative commercials professionally. He uses his talents here to reveal the trend to create unrealistic advertising in the beauty industry. Photographers and designers, who are very aware of the techniques, will laugh at the packaging of the various photo retouch effects commonly used to transform images.The music, editing, lighting, narration and other elements imitate a real commercial, including amusing motion graphics and marketing jargon.

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Canon Powershot G1X

Canon Powershot G1X

The Canon PowerShot G1 X camera has a bright, large 3.0-inch vari-angle LCD with 922,000 dots of resolution providing photographers with the highest quality available in a point-and-shoot. The inclusion of the Mode Dial on the top of the camera and the Front Dial helps provide more intuitive control of the camera.

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PictureCorrect Updated for Mobile Devices

PictureCorrect Updated for Mobile Devices

We just made an important and exciting upgrade. For all of you visiting us from smartphones and tablets, the site is now tailored to shine on those devices too! Many adjustments have been made so articles can be read easily from any screen size. So wherever you are, our photography tips can be accessed quickly and conveniently. Stay tuned!

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Nikon D4

Nikon D4

The new Nikon D4 digital SLR builds upon the legacy of the proven Nikon flagship D-SLRs before it, engineered to give today’s professional multimedia photographers a new apex of speed and accuracy with unparalleled image quality, low-light capability and Full HD video. The Nikon D4 hosts a multitude of advanced new features and useful functions that deliver speedy performance and amazing image quality for when missing the shot is not an option.

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Dubai Time-lapse

Dubai Time-lapse

Why have just one moonset and one sunrise when you can have two of each? This is a 28 hour time-lapse shot from one location captured by Gerald Donovan. It consists of 3359 individual photographs. The entire timelapse was shot on aperture priority and fixed ISO. It’s important to make sure that you set a combination of aperture and ISO that will allow the camera to take shots at the brightest time of day without hitting the camera’s fastest shutter speed limit, and will also not require a shutter speed longer than the timelapse interval when it’s dark. This was shot at f/5.6 and ISO320. Fastest shutter speed was 1/2500, slowest 6 seconds.

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Verosky Photography eBook One Day Sale

Verosky Photography eBook One Day Sale

The complete library from the world-renowned Ed Verosky is 60% off for today only.

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