Photography News499 articles

Bringing Imagination to Life with Cardboard Silhouette Photography

Bringing Imagination to Life with Cardboard Silhouette Photography

What to do on an island all alone when you have incredibly vibrant, romantic sunsets and a child-like imagination? Why not play guitar and sing songs with Kermit the Frog? Or catch miniature, fire-breathing dragons? Or fall in love with a mermaid? Emmy award-winning TV producer and writer John Marshall definitely has the creative imagination […]

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Humans of New York: The Story Behind the Project

Humans of New York: The Story Behind the Project

If you’ve ever considered dropping everything, packing a couple suitcases, and moving to a new city to pursue your dreams, let photographer Brandon Stanton be your inspiration. Stanton moved to New York City in 2010 with two suitcases and a goal: take 10,000 photographs. Originally, he planned on taking a photographic census of the Big […]

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Thieves Steal 10 Years’ Worth of Photographer’s Work

Thieves Steal 10 Years’ Worth of Photographer’s Work

How would you handle losing a decade’s worth of your photography? Professional documentary photographer Jennifer Little is dealing with it gracefully, all things considered. Her house was burglarized in late September, leaving her only one large-format camera out of the nine she owned, and hardly any external hard drives, which she used to back up her life’s work: This is crushing […]

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Watch This Photographer Stand Firm Against a Charging Elephant

Watch This Photographer Stand Firm Against a Charging Elephant

When Tor Bowling first saw the elephant, he froze. He tried to step aside, but the creature tracked his every move. After a few moments, his friend flipped on a video camera. Less than a minute later, the elephant began to charge toward Bowling, who was holding nothing but his camera. Then this happened: Bowling has since been […]

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Move, Eat and Learn

Move, Eat and Learn

Some of you may have seen this amazing project already but it is well worth revisiting for its unique, creative style. Rick Mereki used the themes of movement, learning, and eating to create three compelling short videos that leave you wanting more. As a travel photographer, I was very fascinated and inspired by this even […]

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29 Amazing Historical Photos Seen in Color

29 Amazing Historical Photos Seen in Color

It’s almost like time-travel. Photos from the past have the ability to offer a glimpse of what life was like in another time, another place. Precursors to film photography were being experimented with as early as the 1790s, and ever since then, we’ve had visual records of life — both candid and posed, from everyday […]

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News Photographer Gets Doused in Fire Retardant While Filming Wildfires

News Photographer Gets Doused in Fire Retardant While Filming Wildfires

It’s wildfire season in much of America, and the West Coast is getting hit particularly hard this summer. In Washington State, the town of Chelan—home of Lake Chelan, a popular vacation destination about three hours north of Seattle—has been in the local and national news this week as residents and vacationers are being evacuated and […]

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Long Lost Camera Miraculously Found at Bottom of Lake with Photos Intact

Long Lost Camera Miraculously Found at Bottom of Lake with Photos Intact

It’s a photographer’s worst nightmare—that camera you invested so much money and care into is missing. Gone. And not only the expensive equipment, but also the precious photos that you’re never getting back. That’s what happened to California-based photographer Kelly Donohue two years ago, and she never expected to see her Canon again: In 2013, […]

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A Fisherman Catches…a Drone?

A Fisherman Catches…a Drone?

This video definitely opens the debate of whether or not flying drones in public places is a good idea after all. While it’s really hard to ignore the fact that these flying machines capture really wonderful pictures, it’s also true that they can be a real nuisance. After all, not everyone at the controls is […]

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A View of the Dark Side of the Moon

A View of the Dark Side of the Moon

Typically we don’t get to see the other side of the moon because it’s locked into our tides and does not rotate away. From Earth we have a limited view and the moon shows us the same face every night, but NASA’s camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite captured images of the dark side […]

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