Night Photography149 articles

How to Focus a Camera in the Dark

How to Focus a Camera in the Dark

Relevant reminder: only a little while left for the Photo AI Editor at $40 Off If somebody asked me about some of the difficult scenarios to work in as a photographer, working at night time would definitely make it to the top of the list. But with the challenge in place, the results that you […]

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How to Shoot Light Trails

How to Shoot Light Trails

Light trail photography is a breathtakingly beautiful, yet simple concept. It involves capturing the motion of light across a frame using slow shutter speeds. In a recent video tutorial from JP Photography, he showcased the magic of light trail photography using nighttime traffic. This post will summarize the essential takeaways for those looking to recreate […]

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Photographing 4th of July Fireworks

Photographing 4th of July Fireworks

Last chance! Only hours left for the Fireworks Photography eBook at 55% Off The 4th of July celebrations are an explosion of patriotism, culminating in spectacular fireworks displays. Capturing these awe-inspiring moments requires some skill and preparation, but with the right approach, you can immortalize the pyrotechnic artistry. This article will guide you through planning, […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Spring Night in Seoul

Interesting Photo of the Day: Spring Night in Seoul

When framing is done right, audiences look right at the subject in a powerful way. A good photographer can look for natural framing devices, such as trees or doorways, to enhance their shots. The following image, taken by photographer Jeffery Jung, is a great example of a well-executed shot using this technique: Jung shot the […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sailing Rock at Night

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sailing Rock at Night

Before the mystery behind the Sailing Rocks in Death Valley was deciphered, it was a peculiar and very interesting phenomenon that bewildered the world. And even after the reason was discovered in 2014, the Sailing Rocks still make for one spectacular occurrence. Is it some supernatural power that’s pushing the rocks? Or, is this some […]

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Focus Stacking at Night Tutorial

Focus Stacking at Night Tutorial

In astrophotography, it is common to work with wide apertures. This lets the camera draw in more light in less time. However, doing so also reduces the depth of field drastically. The foreground elements thus appear out of focus. This is why astrophotographers need to focus stack quite a lot. In today’s video, astrophotographer Alyn […]

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Enhancing Night Photography with Luminar Neo

Enhancing Night Photography with Luminar Neo

Darlene Hildebrandt, a seasoned photographer, and Digital Photo Mentor, recently released a video tutorial on enhancing night photography using Luminar Neo. If you’ve dabbled in night photography and felt that your images lack a little punch, her tutorial will prove invaluable: The Two Essential Tools: Hildebrandt’s method involves two primary tools in Luminar Neo – […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sun & Moon Pagodas at Night

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sun & Moon Pagodas at Night

Architecture is very representative of how complex and rich a civilization was during a certain period in history. The Sun and Moon pagodas that stand tall and proud by the side of the Fir Lake in Guilin in China indeed seem to have a lot to show off. Besides being architectural marvels, they also combine […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Hong Kong Storefront at Night

Interesting Photo of the Day: Hong Kong Storefront at Night

In its simplest sense, street photography is about photographing people going about their daily lives. This kind of street photography often captures people in their “purest behavior”. There’s no posing or styling going on, and you as a photographer can’t make any adjustments to the shooting environment. Have a look at the following image by […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Snowy Night in Toronto

Interesting Photo of the Day: Snowy Night in Toronto

Beautiful weather makes for a good photo. That’s true, but, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t take good photos during unfavorable conditions. In fact, so-called bad weather can be a new window of opportunity to take interesting photos. Take the following photograph for instance. It was taken by photographer Michael Sidofsky in Toronto during […]

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