Night Photography149 articles

Interesting Photo of the Day: A Clear Night Over Lost Lake

Interesting Photo of the Day: A Clear Night Over Lost Lake

With clear skies, still waters, and scenic vistas, it’s hard to go wrong. However, today’s interesting photo goes the extra mile by turning a secluded wooded lake into a celestial mirror, riddled with stars. Photographer Ross Schram von Haupt was attracted to Oregon’s Lost Lake due to its lack of light pollution as well as […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Vibrant Night in Saskatchewan

Interesting Photo of the Day: Vibrant Night in Saskatchewan

Our modern lifestyle is so hectic that we forget to take a break and enjoy what’s around. It’d be great to pause sometimes and appreciate what nature has to offer. Imagine spending a night by a fire, under the starry sky, with the northern lights dancing around on the horizon. Well, for photographer Curtis Matwishyn […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Cold Night Aurora

Interesting Photo of the Day: Cold Night Aurora

The harder you work, the better you’re incentivized. Do you think this applies to nature as well? With photographer Tristan Todd it seems like the notion surely worked out in his favor. Todd was well-compensated when he went out at midnight with the temperature down to -35 degrees Celsius and a wind chill of -50 […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Colorful Neighborhood at Night

Interesting Photo of the Day: Colorful Neighborhood at Night

Composition and other technicalities aside, colors play an important role in making an image come to life. We usually get so caught up with composition, light, and shadows that we tend to overlook colors. Capturing the right mix of colors help to set a certain mood to the image. Consider the following image taken by […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Warm Moment on a Snowy Night

Interesting Photo of the Day: Warm Moment on a Snowy Night

Snowy nights aren’t typically the ones that you’d enjoy outdoors. But, if you’re with the people you love, even a cold snowy walk can be a fun filled and enjoyable one. Have a look at the following image for instance. It was shot by photographer Benjamin Lee in Asahikawa and the moment he captured is […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Moonlit Night in Cantal, France

Interesting Photo of the Day: Moonlit Night in Cantal, France

Shooting at slow shutter speeds opens doors to creative photography; the possibilities are limitless. Take the following image by ElFarfadosh, which was taken during full moonlight but almost looks like it was shot during the day: The photographer took the image with his Canon 600D and 50mm lens at 30-seconds, f/1.8, and ISO 200. Considering […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Jupiter Lighting Up The Night Sky

Interesting Photo of the Day: Jupiter Lighting Up The Night Sky

Star gazing might include a glimpse of a planet when the conditions are just right. Photographer Jason Domogalla hiked through Oregon on trails that were usually closed off but because of the dry season were accessible during the winter. The mountain in the background is Mount Jefferson. The brightest point in the sky is Jupiter, […]

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Keeping Your Camera Still for Sharp Night Photography

Keeping Your Camera Still for Sharp Night Photography

Learning how to begin taking photos at night is dependent on some very key photography practices. Taking photos in low light conditions, especially of the city, is a fantastic approach to get better in your shooting of long exposures. You must primarily learn how low light photography techniques work. Taking good photos at night requires […]

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New: Night Photography Educational Assignments

New: Night Photography Educational Assignments

Have you tried these new night photography educational assignments? 45 Pages of lessons and 35 Assignments that you can use to master night photography. They are currently 84% off today if you want to check them out. Deal ending soon: Night Photography Lessons & Assignments at 84% Off Learn from the mini-lessons within each category. […]

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Tips for Photographing Lightning at Night

Tips for Photographing Lightning at Night

Lightning is one of those classic yet spectacular shows that mother nature puts up every now and then. As spectacular as lightning can get, the images come out equally great. However, one very important thing to keep in mind when photographing lighting is how intimidating it can get. You need to know what you’re doing […]

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