Pet Photography27 articles

At Home Pet Photography Tips

At Home Pet Photography Tips

This article is based on concepts from The Photography Snap Cards if you want to dig deeper for further training. The act of capturing a fabulous photo of your pet is rewarding and well worth the effort. However, our critters often have their own agenda, which doesn’t always mean posing for pictures. In this blog […]

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Quick Tip for Puppy & Dog Portraits

Quick Tip for Puppy & Dog Portraits

Today’s photo tip is to help you in shooting better pet photos. Pet portraits can be the most fun you’ve ever had with your camera, you’ll meet a bunch of really nice people and it’s one of the easiest ways I know to go “pro” if that is a goal of yours. This tip concerns […]

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Pet Portraits: How to Get Animals to Look At You

Pet Portraits: How to Get Animals to Look At You

Today’s photo tip is about pet portraits and how to get the animal’s attention. Pet portraits can be some of the most fun photography you do. As an added bonus, it’s a great photography training ground. “Never Work With Kids or Animals!” Or so says the old show business expression… Why? Because they steal the […]

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Pet Portrait Photography Tips

Pet Portrait Photography Tips

Taking great photographs isn’t easy. It takes time, patience, and a little bit of knowledge! This article focuses on taking photographs of pets or animals, and the challenges this sometimes poses. What follows are a few tips I’ve learned over the years shooting animals and pets (but these tips can also translate for shooting other […]

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How to Create Stunning Portraits of Your Dog

How to Create Stunning Portraits of Your Dog

Photographing your dog can be a terrific way to not only get amazing photos of a beloved family member, it’s also good practice and will sharpen your over all photography skills. Like any other portrait session, the first step is to mentally pre-visualize what you want the end result to be. Please don’t skip this […]

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Creative Pet Photo Tips When Time is of the Essence

Creative Pet Photo Tips When Time is of the Essence

Taking compelling pictures of our four legged friends is usually easier said than done. Animals have minds of their own, and often times can’t just be posed into place like a bowl of fruit in a studio still life. But, with a few techniques in tow, it’s possible to transform the task from taxing challenge […]

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Top 10 Dog Photography Tips

Top 10 Dog Photography Tips

Dogs are undoubtedly one of the most loved members of the family. This love for our four-legged friends is a core reason why many people like to have them photographed. But photographing a dog is an entirely different story from photographing humans. Professional dog photographer Andy Biggar shares his top ten tips for taking amazing […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Dog at the Beach

Interesting Photo of the Day: Dog at the Beach

Dogs and beaches go together as much as a dog and his bone — but rarely produce the most coherent snaps! Besides splashing waves and biting wind, over-excited, unco-operative pups are the order of the day. As a pet photographer, Tasmania-based Daniel Towns wasn’t deterred when he took this stunning photo of his best friend, […]

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Dogs in Motion Photography Tutorial

Dogs in Motion Photography Tutorial

Photographer Jessica McGovern started out photographing dogs in 2012. With little professional experience under her belt and less education, she’s come a long way. Now she’s an award-winning pet and portrait photographer with plenty of technical and artistic tips to share. In her latest tutorial, How To Photograph Running Dogs, she spills the beans on […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Patterns on a Pup’s Nose

Interesting Photo of the Day: Patterns on a Pup’s Nose

Things are not always the way they appear to be at first glance. This notion stands especially true if you get an opportunity to give something a closer look the second time. This is one of the core reasons why macro photography is so fascinating. We realize we’re missing out on all the intricacies when […]

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