Pet Photography27 articles

How to Take Cute Pictures of Kittens

How to Take Cute Pictures of Kittens

Recently I had the joy of partaking in some photography for a pet rescue organisation. They asked me to take pictures of quite a few kittens and cats on the same day, which was a dream come true for me. Not only am I a pro photographer, but I love cats and kittens, too. The […]

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The Best Tricks for Taking Pictures of Your Pets

The Best Tricks for Taking Pictures of Your Pets

Having pets can be like having four-legged children. We lavish attention on them and give them treats. We also love to take their photographs and show them off in our homes or to family and friends. However, capturing great pet shots can be difficult. Pets don’t necessarily co-operate, and many factors contribute to a high […]

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3 Quick Dog Photography Tips

3 Quick Dog Photography Tips

While human models don’t always listen, it’s not likely they’ll walk off set at the sight of a sandwich or cower under a table when someone slams a door. Dogs are different. Photographers who want to successfully capture the joy and loyalty of dogs will need to employ a certain approach. Here are best practices for […]

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Best Practices and Tips to Photograph Your Dog

Best Practices and Tips to Photograph Your Dog

Taking great photos is difficult at the best of times, however taking great photos of your pet dog can be a whole new challenge in itself. Taking pictures of animals is tricky because they won’t just sit or stand as they’re told. However, the secret to a great pet photo is really when you can […]

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Dog & Puppy Photography Ideas

Dog & Puppy Photography Ideas

Move away from ordinary pet photos by trying out these five fun dog photography ideas: 1. Climb a Tree No, not your dog silly. You! Climb a tree (preferably a sturdy one that is bigger than Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree). Bring a treat and your camera. Take a picture of your pup looking up at […]

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Pet Photography Tips and Techniques

Pet Photography Tips and Techniques

Pets, like any member of a family, have unique personalities, individual responses to situations, and particular ways of expressing themselves. From a dog that loves to play hide and seek, peering from around a corner, to a cat that triumphantly perches in its favorite spot after removing anyone who dares to trespass on its prized […]

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Tips for Better Pet Photography

Tips for Better Pet Photography

For taking top-class snapshots of your pet, you don’t have to be a professional photographer. Just by keeping a few essential things in mind, you can easily capture outstanding shots. Let’s learn how to take better digital photographs of pets. Try to capture your pet’s unique personality Each pet has a unique personality. Some are […]

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How to Take Better Photos of Dogs

How to Take Better Photos of Dogs

If you’ve posted an image of your dog to social media, chances are that it received a lot of attention. Their loyalty, playfulness, and fun-loving nature are what make us love dogs so much. But, working with them can be a challenge. Dog photographer Elias Weiss Friedman aka “The Dogist” shares some quick tips to […]

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Outdoor Flash Photography Tips with Children & Pets

Outdoor Flash Photography Tips with Children & Pets

As we all know, photographing children can be very challenging. It is tough enough just to keep them in sharp focus. Who in their right mind would complicate the task even further by adding pets and flash lighting to the mix? You should! Adding the right amount of flash at the correct angle can turn […]

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Tips for Cute Dog Photos

Tips for Cute Dog Photos

Dog photographs usually take the internet by storm. As cute as all those images on social media are, it can sometimes be really difficult as a photographer to capture those images because of  dogs’ playful and energetic nature. Tony & Chelsea Northrup provide some tips for taking great pictures of puppies, dogs, kittens, cats, or other […]

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