Business35 articles

6 Tips to Help You Start a Successful Newborn Photography Business

6 Tips to Help You Start a Successful Newborn Photography Business

So, you’ve decided to become a full-time photographer specializing in newborn and baby photography. Perhaps, you had a full-time job doing something else and are now committed to transforming your part-time passion into a full-time vocation. Or perhaps, you’re a photography graduate fresh out of art school. Regardless of how you’ve come to this decision, […]

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3 Tips to Improve Your Photography Business Income

3 Tips to Improve Your Photography Business Income

No matter what business you run, the prime motive is always to land a fat profit figure. And every type of business has its own set of strategies to achieve that motive. If you run a photography based business, then you too must constantly think of ways to improve the profit figures. In today’s video, […]

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How to Take Corporate and Business Portrait Photography

How to Take Corporate and Business Portrait Photography

Corporate and business portrait photography is a profitable niche that many professional photographers strive to become known for. Businesses constantly need portraits of executives for annual reports, websites, and correspondence. One of the best ways to add personality to a company’s website and other business materials is with photos of the people from the organization. […]

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15 Tips for Starting and Maintaining a Successful Photography Business

15 Tips for Starting and Maintaining a Successful Photography Business

The professional photography industry can be a scary place for the new photographer trying to earn a living doing what he or she loves by establishing a photography business. The competition is fierce, the bookkeeping seems mountainous, and for those introverts among us, the thought of interacting so closely with people for a living—um… promote […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: These Three Bull Bison Mean Serious Business

Interesting Photo of the Day: These Three Bull Bison Mean Serious Business

During his 7-year stint living at Yellowstone National Park, nature photographer Steve Hinch had the opportunity to create an amazing variety of landscape and wildlife images, including this intense shot of three bull bison who clearly mean serious business: On his website, Hinch describes the three guidelines that he follows when he photographs wildlife. First, he never closely approaches a wild animal or […]

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15 Tips for Building Your Own Home Photography Studio Business

15 Tips for Building Your Own Home Photography Studio Business

Are you interested in starting your own photography business at home? Photography has evolved profoundly since the popularity of the digital camera, and budding photographers everywhere have turned their hobby into a business. With a combination of artistic flair and business savviness, knowing the correct way to set up a home studio is paramount to […]

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The Photography Business Bundle

The Photography Business Bundle

The 2016 Complete Photography Business Bundle is a once-in-a-life time collection of eBooks, worksheets, video tutorials, and tools to help you kickstart or grow your photography career. Unfortunately it is now over, stay tuned to see what’s next! The craft of photography, for you, is more than a hobby, it’s a business. Managing and marketing your […]

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5 Effective Ways to Advertise Your Photography Business

5 Effective Ways to Advertise Your Photography Business

Who doesn’t have five minutes to help get the word out for their photography business? Here are five quick tips that will help you get a lot of promotional opportunity out of your daily routine. 1. Get More Out of Your Email What you did: Wrote an email to friends trying to explain why you […]

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5 Reasons Why Photography Businesses Fail (and How to Prevent Them)

5 Reasons Why Photography Businesses Fail (and How to Prevent Them)

Running a photography business into the ground is pretty easy to do with all the expensive equipment, travel, and studio space that many new photographers think they need to be successful. The truth is, there’s a lot more to being successful in the photography industry than having pricey gear or even taking top notch images. […]

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9 Tips for Growing Your Photography Business This Year

9 Tips for Growing Your Photography Business This Year

There’s so much more to running a successful photography business than taking amazing photos. Reaching out to clients, maintaining a website, and staying relevant are just a few of the tasks that professional photographers can’t ignore. If your goal is to grow your business this year, the essentials highlighted in this infographic are sure to […]

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