Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Headshot Photography: Quick Tips from a Pro

Headshot Photography: Quick Tips from a Pro

When taking headshots, it’s essential that your subjects look composed and confident. And as a photographer, it’s your duty to make sure that happens. In this video by B&H, portrait photographer Peter Hurley shares five pro tips to help you take better headshots: 1. Keep it Simple When taking headshots, the key is to keep […]

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Beginner Light Painting Photography

Beginner Light Painting Photography

Light painting is one of the lesser known techniques in photography and is usually only carried out by serious night owls… and some very keen photographers. Primarily performed at night and outdoors, such night captures can make scenes look more dramatic than they would under normal conditions. Light painting is not a new thing. It’s […]

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What Is a Long Exposure in Photography?

What Is a Long Exposure in Photography?

Usually, when photographers talk about long exposures they mean that the shutter is open for longer than can easily be hand held, though it’s surely not as simple a definition as that. The first rule of thumb for a hand-holdable shot—the focal length reciprocal rule: If your focal length is 30mm, then you should be […]

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Tutorial: Color Spaces in Photography

Tutorial: Color Spaces in Photography

Have you ever come across a situation where the colors in your images look different once you upload them to the web? This issue arises because of something called color space. A basic understanding of how color space works can save you serious time and headaches. Aaron Nace discusses the differences between various color spaces […]

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How to Photograph an Airshow

How to Photograph an Airshow

Each summer, at air shows across the globe, awestruck spectators enjoy the power and precision of aerial demonstration teams and individual performers. In addition to what is happening in the air, there are often static displays on the ground. For photographers, these events provide outstanding photographic opportunities. After you shoot your first air show, you […]

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Using Reflected Light When Photographing Waterfalls

Using Reflected Light When Photographing Waterfalls

When it comes to waterfall landscape photos, it’s usually the waterfall that adds life to the image. But there are so many ways to shoot them. If you’re looking for answers and ideas regarding waterfall photography, we have the right video for you. Professional landscape photographer Nigel Danson shares some amazing tips on capturing waterfalls […]

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9 HDR Photography Myths

9 HDR Photography Myths

HDR (high dynamic range) is a subject that gets a lot of attention, both positive and negative, within the photography community. Because the topic can be so polarizing it seems like there are many myths or misunderstandings surrounding HDR photography. In this article we’ll take a look at nine common myths and why they are […]

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Sparkler Photography in a Home Studio Tutorial

Sparkler Photography in a Home Studio Tutorial

Don’t you just hate it when you find yourself trapped inside because of the weather? A good day for photography wasted. But you can still use your creative ideas indoors and get some interesting shots. In this video, Gavin Hoey from Adorama shares his tips for creating simple, beautiful sparkler shots using a light bulb […]

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Using Off-Camera Flash with Dark & Gloomy Lighting

Using Off-Camera Flash with Dark & Gloomy Lighting

Every time we’re outdoors taking photos, we’re at nature’s mercy as far as lighting and weather conditions are concerned. You can’t expect the conditions to be in your favor all the time. And in reality, when things do go south, instead of whining, as photographers we should be prepared to make the situation work for […]

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The Photography Tutorial eBook

The Photography Tutorial eBook

Have you ever been frustrated that your photos don’t do justice to the scene you observed? This in-depth photography tutorial eBook is currently 78% off for a limited time if you want to check it out! The reviews have been excellent and it is now our best selling eBook EVER. Deal ending soon: The Photography Tutorial […]

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