We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Real estate photography is all about presentation. You really want to showcase the best look of the location that you’re shooting. This means that the composition should be spot on, and you may want to be picky about what you want or do not want in your frame. Besides the shooting process, how you choose […]
In this article, let’s look at HOW you can actually create your first luminosity mask for yourself… You can run through these steps on your own shot, try to pick a shot that’s kinda similar for the purpose of this demo – i.e. a bright sky with a dark foreground. First step, open up the […]
Backgrounds play a pivotal role in studio photography. They play a subtle yet very important role to help fill out evocative portraits. They complement the subject, adding a sense of depth and creating a certain mood. When selecting the background for your studio, using fabric can be a great idea. There is a variety of […]
People’s tastes changes with time—this is as true on social media as anywhere. With changing times, the way users interact with social media platforms changes as well. For example, while photo content was once dominant up until a few years back, with increased internet speeds and camera quality, video rules the internet now. This is […]
Timelapse photography is capturing the essence of time through video. Events that would normally take weeks, months, or even years are condensed into a few minutes and turned into a video. You all must have seen these videos, which show the fast moving life of cities, the vast and fast moving waters and the sky, […]
When you find yourself caught in low light conditions, do you prefer bumping up the ISO or slowing down the shutter speed? Each of these options has a benefit and a trade off of its own. High ISO introduces more noise in the image, whereas a slower shutter speed causes motion blur to show up. […]
Unlike digital photography, processing film photographs is not very convenient. You need to develop the film by either paying a shop or setting up your own darkroom. If you have a darkroom in your home, it can be difficult to maintain, since the development process requires working with photosensitive materials and complete darkness. Let’s say […]
So many new photographers think the key to great images is going to beautiful places and pressing the shutter button. But how you compose a shot is actually one of the most important parts of the equation. This in-depth guide is designed to give you a complete understanding of composition fundamentals, taught through 81 easy-to-follow pages […]
Did you know that our nearest celestial neighbor, the moon, is drifting away from us at a rate of 3.8 centimeters per year? Maybe the fact that it’s moving away is motivation for some to start photographing the moon. But not to worry; it will take billions of years for the moon to escape the […]
In this article I will try to explain how perspective works in a 2D photograph with some tips, myths, and example photos. When we see a photograph on computer screen or in print, we’re looking at a 2-dimensional representation of a real 3-dimensional scene. And that is what photography is all about—capturing a 3D scene […]
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