We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
This photoshop tutorial is to help you learn how to create a shining effect either from the sun or any other light source in a picture. Ok, once you have the picture your going to work on open: 1. Create a new blank layer, (Layer > New > Layer). 2. Use the Paint Bucket Tool […]
Hardcore landscape photographers love medium-format cameras. And there are quite a few reasons for this: first, their level of detail is incredible. They offer higher dynamic range and color depth compared to full-frame cameras. And the wider field of view is very useful for landscapes. Medium-format cameras have a crop factor that’s less than one, […]
When I’m photographing models I love to use prime lenses (fixed focal-length lenses that have no zoom). Like my 50mm, 85mm, 100mm or 130mm lenses. The reason I love these lenses is because they are super sharp and fast – meaning they let in a lot of light at the wide open aperture range. I’m […]
If you look at the advertising market, photographers are in demand these days. Thanks to the constant need to remain updated in the world of social media, brands constantly need content for their products. So if you play it smart, landing a paid photography job is not too difficult. You just need to pay attention […]
Learning how to use shutter speed effectively can create lively pictures and give motion to your subject without blurring your picture. Let’s define what it is and how it is measured, followed by some real world examples. Shutter speed refers to the length of time your camera’s shutter remains open to allow light to enter […]
It’s one thing to take photographs of things, but quite another to take photographs about them. Taking photographs of something is the equivalent of simply pointing a camera and pressing the shutter button. When it comes to taking a photograph about it, many other considerations need to be made. In today’s video, landscape photographer James […]
Are you like most of us photographers who rush back to your computer, excited to download your images, but all too often you feel disappointed by what you see? Especially when your best images are spoiled because of focus issues? This guide from professional Australian landscape photographer Brent Mail was written to help. It is […]
When taking studio portraits, many photographers recommend you put the flash as close to the subject as possible. But have you ever wondered if this is indeed good advice, or just another misguided repetition? In today’s video, photographer Gavin Hoey with Adorama puts this theory to the test by varying the distance between flash and […]
1. Seek Out Emotion This is an easy point to make—photographs are better when they show people’s emotions. However, it’s much easier said than done. It is difficult to capture emotions in the wild, but they are there if you look for them. Be careful about getting overly distracted by a person’s clothing or look […]
Geysir in Haukurdalur, Iceland is the home of the original geyser. The large geyser doesn’t erupt any more due to a history of soap powder and earthquakes. However, its little brother, Stokkur, does erupt regularly at intervals of around 5 to 7 minutes, so a typical visit to Geysir should allow any photographer to capture […]
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