We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
By breaking down even the most advanced techniques into simple steps. Professional landscape photographer Christopher O’Donnell shows you how to use Lightroom with focus, intent, and direction to create your very best landscapes. Stop hoping for the best with hit-or-miss techniques and develop a faster, easier, and more enjoyable darkroom workflow custom for you. Currently […]
Many beginner photographers find working with flash daunting. In practice, if you just pay attention to a few basic concepts, things aren’t so complicated. Whether you’ve recently got yourself a simple speedlight or a proper flash, photographer Gavin Hoey with Adorama is here to show you how you can set up your first light in […]
Have you had one of those moments when one part of your brain tells you to stay inside while the other part persistently tries to push and shove you out the front door? Well, we all experience mixed feelings when we’re in an intense fight with ourselves. For every time that we do head out to make images, there […]
The following tips represent the top five things that have helped me the most to develop as a photographer, and I continually refer to these to further my development. I hope they can help you along your own journey, too. 1. Study images captured by the best photographers in your field. It sounds simple but […]
At some point in time, you must have imagined what a professional photographer’s studio looks like. Whether you’re thinking of setting up a studio for yourself, or you just want to see how the pros work, it’s a good thing to understand firsthand. In today’s video, this is exactly what we’re going to do. Professional […]
Basic manual mode photography tips for the up-and-coming photographer. In this article, we will make certain assumptions. Assumption #1: you own a camera (digital or otherwise). Assumption #2: you’ve taken pictures with it and know that they could have turned out better. Assumption #3: you’d like for them to turn out better! Then, here we […]
It’s a fine day and you’re enjoying what you love: photographing wildlife. Then out of the blue, someone drops in to spoil your day. With an endless barrage of ridiculous questions and remarks that fluctuate between the mundane and the obnoxious, the pretentious nature lover manages to kill your appetite for good photography. You’re saved […]
You may not know this, but getting quality feedback is important for anyone to improve their photography. It helps us understand how others perceive our work, and in turn helps us evaluate our own successes or failures. But getting quality feedback is a challenge in and of itself. Where can you look for some genuine […]
One of the most important advantages of DSLR cameras is the ability to use different lenses. However deciding on which lens to buy and which lens is suitable for a specific type of photography is a bit difficult. In this article we learn about the advantages and the main purposes of specific types of lenses. […]
Using leading lines is one of the most basic yet effective composition techniques available. They help in drawing viewers right into the image and emphasize the subject. By using the leading lines creatively, you can control where and how the viewers see the image. It is quite a powerful composition technique. To showcase how you […]
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