We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Since the advent of blogs, many people around the world have started to take an interest in food and restaurant reviews. This normally comes in the way of a food blog, where the person either dines at various restaurants and rates them accordingly, or creates dishes at home, explains the process, and rates their own […]
Digital cameras and zoom lenses go hand in hand. When shopping for your new camera, chances are one of the first features the salesperson mentioned was the power of the zoom lens. You know how it goes: “This camera has a five times optical zoom, but this one has ten times optical and the digital […]
It is quite common for a beginner photographer to talk about gear. There’s this feeling that looms over beginner photographers that makes them feel that they should own everything they see. In reality, things don’t work that way. In fact, you don’t need much photography gear at all. For beginners, the less you have, the […]
The many modes modern cameras can shoot in can sometimes overwhelm their owner. When setting up to take a picture, many DSLR users will use either Aperture Priority or Shutter Priority. Both shooting modes are great for specific scenarios. I’m going to help you figure out where you should apply them. First, what is aperture […]
Street photography isn’t something you can simply do by heading out onto the street with a camera in your hand. Like any other genre of photography, street photography also requires a good deal of planning and a thorough understanding of your shooting location. So what happens if you’re somewhere unfamiliar and you head out to […]
For those of you playing with new cameras and lenses, you may want to check out this in-depth guide while it is marked down. Designed to take you by the hand and lead you step-by-step in discovering photography skills using your DSLR. This eBook is filled with practical exercises that show you exactly what to […]
Are you becoming frustrated with the photos you’ve taken? Cheer up. You can become a better photographer if you really want to. Try these simple fixes: Maintain eye contact Like in real life, direct eye contact is also important in taking pictures. To let loose the power of captivating gazes and compelling smiles, position the […]
Patience, knowledge and stealth are just a few key factors one must master in order to be a good bird photographer. You cannot simply walk around in the woods with all your gear and expect a bird to pop in front of you to be photographed. Furthermore, in this genre of photography, it is essential […]
Winter photography isn’t always as simple as it seems. It’s a careful mix of fighting the elements and using your photography skills to produce images that really capture the mood of the moment. There are a lot of aspects that you have to keep in mind in order to capture something worth the while. This […]
I run a photography workshop on cruise ships called “Enjoy Your Camera”. In all my time doing this, I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked about digital enhancement by photographers of all skill levels. The question is always the same: is enhancing my digital images really worth the effort? […]
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