We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
With product photography, first impressions really do matter. In a world where we are bombarded with advertisements all the time, it’s become more important than ever for products to grasp the viewers’ attention in a snap. And what better way to do this than by adding some style to the product photos? For all the […]
For nature and landscape photographers, the small window in which autumn leaves emerge is one of the most anticipated events of the entire year. Vibrant colors explode as leaves begin to drop, one by one, to the earth below. Like moths to a lamp, the pristine beauty draws cameras out to try to grab a […]
In this article, I will discuss an important topic in photography. Although this can be treated as an intermediate to advanced technique, I will try to keep it as simple as possible to make it seem like a piece of cake to all my readers. ND stands for Neutral Density ND filters are useful when […]
Have you looked at a landscape photographer’s photo and wondered how they got the water coming down from a waterfall to look so misty? Or how they got the ocean in a seascape photograph to look so smooth? My guess is that if you’re starting out in landscape photography it’s probably one of the first […]
Locations play a pivotal role in adding interest to images. The background adds aesthetic value and also helps in providing context. However, not all of us are lucky enough to be living in areas with beautiful locations. But don’t let that discourage you: there’s always someplace that’s picture-worthy. You just need to know where and […]
Light and illumination are the basics of photography. The very word “photography” comes from two Greek words, phos meaning light, and graphis meaning drawing. Hence, photography can be described as “drawing with light”. As we start the lesson, I want to wish you a pleasant and illuminating session! If you ask me to name the […]
Just like a resume outlines your skill sets relevant to a job you’re applying to, a photography portfolio demonstrates your capability as a photographer. It’s the first thing potential clients want to see before hiring you. It gives them a feel of what level of work they can expect. In today’s context, it is very […]
Early autumn is among the most photogenic times of the year. It’s wonderful to stand outside and capture the unique greens, yellows and red that transform the trees. Mornings are crisp, it’s not too cold and the days aren’t that short yet. And since autumn is upon us, today we have photographer Nigel Danson who […]
Photographers today have plenty of opportunities to showcase their work, thanks to the Internet. But this brings its own challenges. Since everyone has the same access, how you do stand out? As in other professions, photographers can—and should—brand themselves. But how do you start developing your photography brand? In the following video, photographer Evan Ranft […]
Anytime we talk about a “tool” in photography, it’s mostly about photography gear. You can have the best camera and lenses with you, and you can spend loads of time watching and reading reviews of photography gear—but what good is gear if you do not get to use it? Being locked down in 2020 has […]
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