We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Smartphones have become an essential part of our daily lives. And with camera quality in smartphones getting better with every iteration, most of us have very capable cameras in our pockets. While taking photos with a smartphone is a simple point-and-shoot job, a little attention to detail can help you take amazing photos. Members of […]
In every genre of photography, there are famous photographers who have helped define the field. Maybe it’s their unique process, their way of telling stories, their compositional eye or their penchant for playing with light and shadows. Whatever it was that made them famous, photographers today would do well to seek out these greats to […]
Post processing is an essential part of a photographer’s workflow. Today there are many software available that help you fine tune your images the way you envisioned them. And while such software feature a lot of options, there are a handful of tools that you must know about. Photographer Ted Forbes explains about 5 editing […]
Photography challenges are quite an interesting way to keep yourself inspired. They also keep your creative juices flowing and break the monotony. In this video, photographer Gavin Hoey takes us on a secret portrait challenge. He has no idea about the model, the styling, or the location: Hoey ends up shooting at Roundhill Picture Palace […]
The trick to shoot epic timelapses is no longer a secret. Thanks to amazing gear and excellent post-processing tools you can start producing timelapses in no time at all. Jared Polin elaborates: Without a built-in intervalometer you will need to buy an external intervalometer, which will let you select the number of shots and the […]
Shooting architecture photos using artificial lights can be a challenge. Real estate photographer Nathan Cool demonstrates how you can shoot with external lights using manual settings: Speedlight to moonlight power ratio As a general rule, Cool suggests the following ratio for speedlight and monolight. A speedlight firing at its full power (1/1) setting is the […]
Why do so many casual and amateur photographers shy away from taking pictures once the sun goes down? Haven’t they seen the great pictures taken at night by other photographers? Maybe they think those type pictures can only be made by professional photographers with thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Well that line of thinking […]
Wildlife photography is one of those genres where the window for mistakes is extremely small. A missed chance can turn out to be an expensive ordeal, as opportunities do not present themselves that often. Keeping a close eye on your subject thus becomes very important. In today’s video, wildlife photographer Morten Hilmer shares two of […]
Although black and white photography has been the standard for beginning film photography students for a long time, at some point every photographer should learn the basics of color photography. Learning color photography requires a firm understanding of the basic elements of photography, which can be broken down into the following easy to understand elements. […]
Making mistakes is quite natural. No one is perfect. Especially for photographers, mistakes are an indication that you are making progress in your artistic journey. But while there’s no need to panic just because you made a mistake, the same cannot be said if you keep repeating them. It is thus very important that you […]
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