Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Dear Photographers: Take Care of Your Body

Dear Photographers: Take Care of Your Body

Being a photographer really seems fun and exciting for an outsider. But only when you do it regularly do you realize that there can be some serious occupational hazards. Like many other jobs, we can see the wear and tear the job brings about in your body in the long run. And with age, these […]

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Motion and Action Photography Tips

Motion and Action Photography Tips

For the most part, the world around us is in motion. Some things move slowly while some move faster. Slow moving things are plants, turtles, snails etc. Fast moving things are baseballs, cars, ocean waves etc. As photographers we thrive to capture every detail and display it via our photos. We want to capture these […]

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Wow Factor Photography Course

Wow Factor Photography Course

If there was an easy way to capture creative photos that make people gasp and say “Wow! How’d you take that?”… would you be interested? That is the goal of this recent best-selling course and it is currently on sale if you want to check it out. Deal found here: The Wow Factor Photography Course This […]

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Black Pro-Mist Filter Effects for Photography

Black Pro-Mist Filter Effects for Photography

A Black Pro-Mist filter is something that has been in use for quite some time in cinematography. However, many photographers probably haven’t heard of it, let alone used it. What is a Black Pro-Mist filter? What effect does it have in your photos? Should you use a Black Pro-Mist filter for your photography work? Today […]

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Useful Tips for Lighting Portraits of Couples

Useful Tips for Lighting Portraits of Couples

Lighting a single individual to get an amazing portrait is a matter of knowledge and skill in itself. And when it comes to lighting two people at once, it can get even more challenging. Photographer Jay P. Morgan from The Slanted Lens shows how you can apply different portrait lighting setups when working with a […]

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How Reliable are Electronic Shutters?

How Reliable are Electronic Shutters?

The recent developments in mirrorless camera technology have surely been a boon to many photographers and videographers. They can easily help users capture better photos, but since this technology is still in a nascent stage, not everything is foolproof yet. In this video, photographer Jan Wegener explores whether the fast electronic shutter of his Canon […]

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Updated: Collier’s Guide to Night Photography 2nd Edition

Updated: Collier’s Guide to Night Photography 2nd Edition

The night sky may be the most awe-inspiring spectacle that any of us will ever see. It can, however, be difficult to capture in a photograph, as it requires specialized techniques that are rarely used when shooting images during the day. In this fully-updated 2nd edition, Grant Collier sheds light on how to capture these […]

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5 Simple Tips for Better People Pictures

5 Simple Tips for Better People Pictures

I’ve been a professional photographer for long enough now to start getting invited to judge some local photography contests. In doing so I have been struck by the fact that so many of the pictures, especially those of people, could have been dramatically improved by the application of just a few simple ideas. I’m not […]

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Why Being a Photographer Isn’t Always Great

Why Being a Photographer Isn’t Always Great

To most people who are not into photography, the profession seems glamorous and fun-filled. But only those photographers who have been in the business for a long time really know the true secrets that lie beneath the shimmery surface. While some experiences can be frustrating, a few of them can be really bad. That’s why […]

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Cloud Photography Tips

Cloud Photography Tips

From the time that I first began to photograph, one subject that always interested me was clouds. I have always loved the old black and white photographs of Ansel Adams and have admired not only his landscapes, but also the way the landscapes were made spectacular by the cloud cover in the scene. Adams was […]

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