We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
A debate raged at the dawn of digital photography. At that time, we all knew digital lacked the fidelity of film, but the key question was, “How much better is film (in terms of quality, not convenience), and how long will it take for advances in digital technology to make it as good or better?” […]
What do we mean by depth of field? The term refers to the amount of detail in the photograph that is in focus. A typical landscape photograph will will show detail over a long distance, all of which will be in focus and recognizable by the viewer. A head and shoulders portrait will usually work […]
When we talk of portrait photography, it involves much more than just capturing a person’s facial and body features. A well-taken portrait connects with the viewers and also conveys the subject’s personality at a glance. This can’t be achieved by simply popping up to a location with the subject and photographing them without any thought […]
The good thing about photography is that the more you do it, the more you get better at it. It’s just like any other skill. But with that said, you definitely need to make an active effort to advance in photography. You can’t expect to improve automatically. A good way to get insight into how […]
Lightroom is quite a feature-packed photo editing and library management software. In fact, it’s so rich in features that many of us find it overwhelming. As a result, we end up using just the basic functionalities that get our job done. There is a large of scope of editing skills we can improve on by […]
To better understand what aperture is, we must first know how a camera works. Your camera is essentially a light-capturing device; light gets bounced off an object and is reflected into the camera. Light-sensitive materials in the camera then pick it up and save it either as a digital image (JPEG, RAW) or onto traditional […]
Overcast days are great for shooting photos in the woods. You can experiment with photographing streams, waterfalls, trees, mushrooms and so on. However, shooting on overcast days and in dimly lit environments requires some planning and a meticulous approach. The following tips from Ross Hoddinot of NatureTTL will help: Don’t Include the Sky If you’re […]
It seems like everybody loves looking at beautiful sunsets, which is probably why sunset photography is such a competitive niche. Let’s look at some simple techniques that will help you to photograph truly stunning sunset images, the kind that stand out from the crowd. Sunset Rule #1: Protect your Eyes and Camera It is dangerous […]
Putting together a beautiful piece of art together with a well-taken photograph is a fantastic way of coming up with surreal images. It brings two art forms together in a meaningful and often striking way. If you’ve been meaning to try it, today we have photographer Irene Rudnyk with this video tutorial. She explains everything […]
In the world of editing photos, many techniques have developed over the years in order to create certain distinctive effects in images. Many such techniques have come and gone but only a few have been able to leave an impact and withstand the test of time. One of such successful effects is the Orton Effect […]
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