Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Food Levitation Photography Tutorial

Food Levitation Photography Tutorial

Most of the food photographs that we see are based on the flat lay concept. This essentially means the food items are laid flat on a surface to photograph them. It’s a tried and true method that works well in the marketplace. But what if you could add a touch of magic to food photography […]

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Open Shade Lighting for Photography

Open Shade Lighting for Photography

There is a myth that you can only get great outdoor images either very early or very late in the day. The “sweet hour” is best just before the sun goes down or comes up. Those are spectacular times to photograph, but you can still get great images any time of the day. You just […]

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Landscape Mistakes to Avoid in Lightroom

Landscape Mistakes to Avoid in Lightroom

Photography can be quite overwhelming for a beginner. And as if taking good photos is not challenging enough, there’s another thing you’ve got to learn – editing. Many photographers start off with Lightroom to learn how to edit their photos and it can get pretty confusing. Naturally, many beginners end up making a lot of […]

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How to Shoot with Both Eyes Open for Wildlife Photography

How to Shoot with Both Eyes Open for Wildlife Photography

It’s quite natural that we use one of our eyes dominantly, relying on it more often than the other. In the context of photography, this is why we use either the left or the right eye when using the viewfinder. And you might have noticed, we usually close the other eye. Even though it’s such […]

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DIY Interior Real Estate Photography Tips

DIY Interior Real Estate Photography Tips

Photographs play a pivotal role in marketing. And with the advent of online selling platforms, photography holds an even more important stature. You need good photos of products to sell them online. For photographers, it’s yet another business avenue to explore. Real estate photography is in a way quite similar. But, in this case, an […]

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Natural Light Photography Tips

Natural Light Photography Tips

Natural lighting in photos can give off a pure vibe that artificial lighting often has trouble providing for you. There are several techniques you can use when using natural light photography. The lighting of the sun can create many stunning spectrums of colors throughout the day that could result in beautiful photos. However, with this […]

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Photography Composition Elements & Principles

Photography Composition Elements & Principles

Composition determines how you lay a picture out and how you place objects within the scene to get the most aesthetically pleasing results. It’s perhaps the most important aspect of photography. How you compose your images determines how meaningful they are. Your gear, lighting, editing, and everything else becomes secondary. In this insightful video, photographer […]

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Night Time Photography: 10 Tips

Night Time Photography: 10 Tips

It’s probably that by now you’ve come across the statement, “light is key for photography,” many times already. That’s because it’s a very true statement. Without light, there would be no photography. So, how do you go about taking photos when the light is low? Well, this can be a real challenge. When shooting in […]

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How Lighting Plays a Crucial Role in Your Photography

How Lighting Plays a Crucial Role in Your Photography

You’ve heard me deliberate about how significant lighting in photography is, but do you really know the reason why? You may know that gaining enough light is essential, but there is a lot more to the story. First we have direct light. This is from the sun or a strong, bright source. Then we have […]

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Film Photography: 8 Tips & Hacks

Film Photography: 8 Tips & Hacks

With most of us growing up in the world of digital photography, film photography has become something of a novelty or challenge to try out. It sounds and feels fun to do. If you too want to try your luck with film photography, Willem Verbeeck has a video just for you. Since we are not […]

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