We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Want to capture the perfect portrait every time? Keep reading to learn some tips professionals use that you can adopt – even without a fancy camera or a studio of your own. Learn what you need to know about simple but effective lighting, flash photography, and more. You should also consider following a photography course […]
Although you might think that a photographer would love taking a self portrait, it’s actually one of the most difficult pictures to take. With self portraits you don’t have the advantage of looking through the lens and carefully composing your image, so it can be real tricky to get it right. But with that being […]
I’ve previously discussed the importance of catch lights. Without them, your subject’s eyes look dull and lifeless. They help add interest to portraits and are a very effective way to add depth to the eye. Catch Lights Ideally, catch lights should be round. This tends to be the most natural and visually pleasing shape (reflections […]
Light is the essence of photography. It’s not things that we photograph, but the light they reflect. Without light, there is no photography. The way things look to us and the camera is entirely dependent on the light that reaches them. People talk about the “quality” of light, but in fact this is a combination […]
Due to the very nature of the wedding, whatever you do will be magnified so my first tip is to… 1.Tread Lightly ~ Don’t impose your personality on the day everything even your opinions should always be in deference to the bride and groom and when diplomacy fails humor usually works. 2. Expectations ~ Find […]
We often relate amazing-looking photographs with the gear that was used to take the shots. While there’s only a slight co-relation between the beautiful work and gear, it has to be said that gear does matter when it comes to the quality of the work. After all, professionals don’t have much leeway when it comes […]
When buying products online, what is the first thing that you look at? Obviously “the photo” right? Yes, photographs play a very important role in making an impression when it comes to online selling. A well-taken photo helps in attracting a lot of attention and will help in selling your product. Photographer Mike from NorthBorders […]
If a budding photographer looks to upgrade a lens the choices seem endless. Point and shoot cameras come equipped with a zoom lens permanently attached so I’m really talking about those with Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras. DSLR cameras often come with some type of zoom lens or several as a kit to cover a wide […]
Whether you work full time as a professional photographer, or practice photography as a hobby, there can be days when you feel stuck. You may enter a phase of creative block, or just generally start getting bored with photography. In either case, trying out some creative and fun photography ideas can help out a lot. […]
There exists an ageless Cherokee Native American proverb that states “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today”. The point being that most of us tend to spend vast amounts of time and energy worrying about the past or planning for the future. Not that neither the past nor the future are irrelevant, it […]
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