Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Milky Way Timelapse Photography Tutorial

Milky Way Timelapse Photography Tutorial

Making a timelapse of the Milky Way moving across the sky isn’t just about pointing a camera at the sky and taking a series of photos. There is a method that requires some serious preparation and dedication. Jay P. Morgan from The Slanted Lens shows you exactly how you can take a timelapse of the […]

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Tips on Capturing Architectural Photography

Tips on Capturing Architectural Photography

Photography is enjoyable and can be lucrative. There are a number of specialized fields within the industry, one of which is architectural photography. As a specialized field, architectural photography has a small but competitive group of photographers all competing to get ahead, and photographers need to be focused. Architectural photography requires skill, the determination to […]

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Potentially Overused Photography Styles

Potentially Overused Photography Styles

Search for photography techniques on the internet and you’ll be flooded with countless articles and tutorials. The sad part, however, is that most of the articles and videos have very similar content. Beginner photographers are highly likely to embrace a similar set of ideas, and then keep using them. In this video, photographer James Popsys […]

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How to Create a Blurry Background

How to Create a Blurry Background

You can create a blurry background in your portrait photography with a very simple process. When you are photographing people, a soft focus background can help rid your photo of any potential distractions. This effect is called a shallow depth of field. With a shallow depth of field, just the face or person is in […]

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3 Steps to Change the Way You Post-Process Travel Photos

3 Steps to Change the Way You Post-Process Travel Photos

Post-processing is an essential part of the photographic process. While the process was limited to fewer people in the analog days, the scenario has changed completely with digital photography. But not everyone understands the essence of the art of post-processing. Some do it just because others do it; some do it to achieve the look […]

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How to Use a Hair Light in Portrait Photography

How to Use a Hair Light in Portrait Photography

Today’s portrait photography photo tip begins our discussion of specialty lights — specifically, the hair light. We will explore what it is, how to use it, and some precautions. So far, in our study of portrait photography lighting, we’ve learned that the majority of the time, we will use a three-light setup: the main light, […]

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Animal Portrait Photo Tips

Animal Portrait Photo Tips

No matter how good you may be at photographing humans, the story becomes altogether different when photographing animals. It’s not easy communicating with our furry friends, and they also happen to have very narrow attention spans. To help you take perfect animal portraits, photographer Vincent Lagrange with COOPH shares his method: Build a Good Relationship […]

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Photography vs. Snapshots

Photography vs. Snapshots

Access to knowledge sources and cameras has never been easier. Starting out with photography is just a few clicks and taps away, and camera gear is becoming increasingly accessible with smartphone cameras stepping up their game. But, is that enough to become a good photographer? Photographer Adam Karnacz discusses why you need to stop taking […]

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How to Photograph Fast-Moving Vehicles

How to Photograph Fast-Moving Vehicles

When I think of fast cars and bikes, two-page glossy spreads of fast machines from various racetracks around the world immediately come to mind. Do you ever wonder how these adrenaline pumping images are shot? In this video, photographer Kevin Wing lays bare some of his tricks. He’s a professional motorsports photographer and shoots moving […]

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10 Tips for How to Take Better Photos

10 Tips for How to Take Better Photos

Here are ten ways you can improve your photography. 1. Select the Correct Lens and Use It Appropriately Wide angle lenses, telephoto lenses, macro lenses, fish eye lenses; they all produce different results and impact differently on your image, particularly in relation to the proximity to your subject. For instance, wide angle lenses tend to […]

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