Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Pre-Digital Photography Infographic: The Evolution of the Camera

Pre-Digital Photography Infographic: The Evolution of the Camera

While many inventors are considered to have developed the first photographic camera, photography appears to have had its earliest start in the thick of the Middle Ages (1000 AD) when a man named Alhazen rigged the first pinhole camera, which we now call the Camera Obscura. From there, all the way to the 1981 Sony Mavica […]

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Aperture 101

Aperture 101

Photographers use aperture for a multitude of things from getting the proper exposure to creating a specific depth of field. Understanding how it works is essential to being able to use aperture to your advantage and taking the photographs you envision in your mind. In this quick primer, John Cripps breaks down the ins and […]

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Landscape Photography: Trip Planning Tips

Landscape Photography: Trip Planning Tips

Not many of us head out for dedicated landscape photography trips. It’s when we’re going out for a family vacation that we plan to take some time out for photography. The challenge is to maintain a balance between family and photography. Landscape photographer Mark Denney covers how you can plan to overcome this struggle: 1. […]

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Stray Light and Lens Flare in Photography

Stray Light and Lens Flare in Photography

A camera lens is made up of several elements—pieces of special glass ground to a specific curve according to computer calculations. Each element directs light in a particular way and corrects aberrations caused by other lens elements. A telephoto lens may have from 10 to 20 elements. Usually, elements are joined together with optically clear […]

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Making the Most of Negative Space for Minimalist Photos

Making the Most of Negative Space for Minimalist Photos

When used correctly, empty spaces, which are referred to as negative space in photography, can help your subjects stand out. In this video, Mango Street shares some interesting tips on using negative space to create striking images: Negative space draws more attention to the subject by simply isolating it. At the same time, negative space […]

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Debunking Photography’s Biggest Myths

Debunking Photography’s Biggest Myths

Don’t believe everything that you hear. There are plenty of myths that run rampant throughout the photographic community. Even the most experienced professionals have a handful of beliefs that simply aren’t true. Luckily, landscape photographer Nigel Danson has taken the time to dispel some of the most widespread falsehoods among professionals: Here’s Danson’s in-depth take […]

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How to Take Indoor Portraits

How to Take Indoor Portraits

I would like to share with you some valuable keys to taking better indoor portraits and still life photographs. These are insider secrets I’ve learned over the past 33 years as an avid photographer. They aren’t something I learned in a class or studied at college. Rather, they are things that I’ve picked up along […]

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5 Easy Tips for Better Natural Light Portrait Photography

5 Easy Tips for Better Natural Light Portrait Photography

Have you ever wondered how pro photographers get those great portraits that grab your attention so much that you often forget you’re looking at a picture? Through my experience as a professional photographer, I can pass on a few simple tips to make sure you get great portraits every time you click the shutter. 1. […]

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Candlelit Portrait: Photography Activity

Candlelit Portrait: Photography Activity

This is an indoor portrait taken in near darkness, resembling a birthday cake shot. You’ll need: A darkish room that doesn’t have a lot of stray light coming in One or more candles A willing model Camera Setup: Mode: Aperture Priority (Often shown as Av on the mode wheel) ISO: 800 or so (there will […]

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Camera Sensor vs Eyes: Seeing Color

Camera Sensor vs Eyes: Seeing Color

Ready for a crash course in color? Photographer Tony Northrup takes an in-depth look at what goes on inside our cameras and how, exactly, our images are made: First, it’s important to understand how color works. Believe it or not, colors are all in our head. In reality, we’re constantly bombarded with light coming in […]

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