We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
David Yarrow, probably the most easily recognized names in wildlife photography, believes in what Andy Warhol said: “My favorite color is white and my favorite color is black.” In this interview with GMAX Studios, he shares some of his secrets: Proximity and Ground Level Perspective When it comes to wildlife photography Yarrow likes to shoot at close proximity and […]
One of the toughest things about being a photographer is going unnoticed with a camera when trying to get good candid shots. Most of the time when people see you with a camera, they tend to stiffen up; the camera can make them nervous. And this is not exclusive to amateur photographers either. Even pros […]
There’s no shortage of great photographers, but not everyone that totes a digital camera is necessarily a creative genius. Nor are they all products of photography classes. That being said, there are some things you can do to improve your photographic skills and abilities. Here is a list of five things you can change to […]
The good thing about technologies is that they keep on changing for the better. Just a few decades ago, photographers debated whether going digital would really be necessary. Today, mirrorless camera manufacturers are claiming that mirrorless is the future of DSLRs. But do mirrorless cameras really offer such substantial benefits, and do they really have […]
Smartphones have dramatically increased the reach of photography. With every new generation of smartphone, the cameras get better and better. And you know what they say. The best camera is the one that is with you. Today, almost everyone has a smartphone and, by extension, a camera. Photographer Jay P. Morgan takes you through some […]
You’ve probably come across a lot of articles and books that discuss photography as an art or technical exercise. In this video, photographer Sean Tucker associates photography with life and tells us how he considers photography to be a spiritual practice: “Recently, a lesson I was learning about capturing light also held some timely truths for […]
There are really only 2 kinds of events: milestones and recurring annual events. Milestones Sorry for stating the obvious here, but these are the so-called once-in-a-lifetime biggies. Ones so important that you sometimes associate with a song or piece of music. A partial list of milestones may be the following: Graduations–happy, fun events but rife […]
Good photographers aren’t made overnight. And most accomplished photographers will admit that their earliest attempts at the craft were pretty unimpressive. In this inspiring interview, San Francisco based photographer Jim Goldstein shares his advice for novice photographers looking to improve their skills: Goldstein’s earliest experience with a camera left him feeling incredibly discouraged. His first […]
Gone are the days when taking photographs in black and white was the only option. Today, black and white photography has become a way to give a classic look. It’s also used by some photographers to rescue problematic shots. As photographer Jamie Windsor mentions in this video, color photography is for documentation; black and white is […]
It seems like every few weeks, a new YouTube video or infographic comes out explaining the history of photography. But this latest one is pretty good—it’s a quick five-minute explainer that doesn’t skim over any key landmarks, dating back from the B.C. era, and offers interesting little-known factoids along the way. Check it out: The […]
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