We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
It’s an ideal time to start with those short but sweet weekend trips by car or motorbike. Whether we go with family or friends, wonderful experiences and sights await us. We found some of the most amazing road trip scenes to remind you of the feeling you get when you hit the road: Now it’s […]
Light painting is a technique used in photography in which a long exposure is shot and a light source is moved in the frame to add an artistic touch. To move the light source, usually the photographer or the assistant has to be in the frame. So, a common question that arises is how to […]
Cameras, lenses, and other equipment are the tools of the trade. But at the end of the day, it all boils down to the skill of the photographer. A basic and very important skill that a photographer must have is composition: Mark Silber, along with his guest photographers, discuss a few quick and powerful tips […]
Children’s portraits often seem better when they have a dreamy, vibrant, fairy tale touch to them. Umesh Dinda from PiXimperfect shows us how to achieve the effect by softening the skin, adding vibrant color, and dodging and burning: The first and the obvious step is to open the photo using Photoshop. If the photo is […]
Want to make sure your travel photos have impact? Check out this excellent video by award-winning travel photographer Mitchell Kanashkevich. He goes beyond the the standard tips and in less than ten minutes describes how to add emotional weight and a sense of story to your images—all by paying attention to where the eyes are […]
Photography is tricky. As easy as it seems to just snap the shutter, there’s a lot more that goes into the photo as a form of art. So, beginners are often surprised to find they struggle when they first pick up a camera. In the following conversation, Tony and Chelsea Northrup discuss ten points where many […]
A beauty dish is a tool used by portrait photographers to create a light that wraps around the subject’s face. It creates a soft light with a natural fall-off that, in turn, creates a contrasted look and makes the image dramatic. If you’re just starting out and cannot afford to get the gear, COOPH has […]
As a Staffordshire based wedding photographer I look at a lot of wedding photography and it’s can be very hard to see something you love and not want to replicate the image in your next wedding. However, I don’t think that is the right way to approach shooting the day. Everyday is different and each […]
Storytelling is the single biggest photographic skill, that you can learn, that will make your work stand out from everyone else. This new premium guide by Kent DuFault is 133-pages of deep training, giving you a simple and practical understanding of using storytelling to make your photographs stand out. We were able to negotiate a […]
Capturing day to day life in a compelling way is often easier said than done. Our ordinary lives don’t usually feel all that extraordinary, and getting interesting photographs with run-of-the-mill subjects can become a creative challenge. Luckily, a little bit of ingenuity can go a long way for a well versed photographer. Shamsan Anders, in cooperation […]
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