We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
If there’s one type of photography “wild west”, it’s macro photography. While most other subject – flowers, sunsets, the aurora borealis – already have thousands of great shots from pro photographers, the opportunities to take new, unique, and exciting macro shots are endless! Here are a few tips I learned on my macro photography journey […]
Use the “halo light” pattern in your photo lighting. Here is a photo tip I’ve recently read that I disagree with: “When photographing people, always make sure to avoid direct sunlight in the background of the photo. This will make odd shadows and add an undesirable element to the picture. Position the people so the […]
When we talk about composition it’s all about the elements that make up the picture – the light, where it falls, how it falls, when it falls, from which vantage point you take the picture, the point of central focus, color, balance, etc. – and how they all interact. Aperture, shutter speed and ISO ratings […]
This article is based on concepts from the Better B&W Photography Guide if you want to dig deeper for further training. Black and white photographs are arguably some of the most compelling images we can create. There is something magical about a full tonal scale black and white picture. Did you know that you have […]
Today’s landscape photo tip involves diagonal lines. In a landscape photo, portrait photo, still life or any other kind of photo, the first major task of the photographer is to draw the viewer’s eye to the most important aspects of the shot and keep it there! We want our photo to send some sort of […]
Waterfalls seem to grab the hearts and minds of people. Go to any location that has one or more waterfalls and it is pretty much a guarantee that they will be a major attraction, if not the main attraction, of the area. However, as beautiful as waterfalls are, it is not so easy to capture […]
One of the best photography tips I can share is to think less about the technical aspects and more about the impact your photo has on the people who view it. While it’s important to understand the elements of exposure, those techniques won’t guarantee an emotional connection with your subject. Here are five ways to […]
“To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression.” –Henri Cartier-Bresson According to photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, the most profound photographs are those that capture the decisive moment—the moment when […]
You know the phrase, “A picture says a 1,000 words.” However, if we assemble 1,000 random words, will they make an interesting story? Probably not as often as we would like. You see, a photo—like a good story—must be focused. And a photo is only as good as the story it tells. If we show […]
Our memory cards are absolutely essential to our photography, and should anything happen to one, we run the risk of losing valuable memories. Yet the average photographer tends to treat memory cards in a pretty cavalier manner, taking for granted that they will simply keep on working and safely storing images. Fortunately in most cases […]
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