We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
With so many timelapse videos floating around the internet recently, you may be looking to create your own timelapse. Well look no further than Nathaniel Dodson‘s latest project Philly Is Ugly. Not only did Dodson spend months creating a beautiful timelpase of the city of Philadelphia, but he also took the time to create several […]
Taking headshots and portraits can be a surprisingly good career or side-gig for photographers looking to earn extra revenue. Living in Los Angeles I see these types of photo sessions happening all over the city. This popular course is designed to help you take professional headshots and and portraits using simply a DSLR and basic […]
On a beautiful spring morning, I chose to take a picture of the flawless, perfect blue sky overhead to use in my blog. There was not a single wisp of cloud, not the hint of a contrail, not even a bird to spoil the perfect blueness. So I pointed the camera straight up and took […]
Nature photographs are a firm favorite among photographers, both professionals and amateurs. They offer endless possibilities for travel and adventure for the photographer, while evoking memories and fantasies in the minds of viewers. While a stunning nature photograph looks effortless, many factors, such as the sun, clouds, rain, wind, snow, noise, and animal movements come […]
OK. Let’s be honest. It is not tintype if it’s digital. But Levy Moroshan has developed a technique that makes your portraits look like tintypes: Tintype Lighting The main trick for getting the tintype look the lighting. Moroshan uses a clamshell funnel style lighting setup to create a dramatic fall off. He also shoots the images […]
No matter how many or few photographers you follow on Instagram, you’re likely to see lots of practically duplicate images of the same places. Central Park, the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge. Everyone seems to be visiting the same spots! Here’s a bit of insight into just how popular some famous tourist destinations are […]
You don’t always need fancy, expensive camera gear to be creative with your photography. There are a bunch of cool things you can do to add artsy and eye-catching effects with simple everyday items. Here, Cape Town-based photographer Sheldon Evans shows us five easy camera hacks using things you can find in your own home: […]
Ever wonder how folks manage to get great action shots where the background’s blurred in streaks but the subject is in focus? Hint: it’s not (usually) achieved in post-production but rather with an active technique called panning. While it’s not the easiest technique for a beginner to master, this tutorial by photographer Josh Katz will […]
Rolling shutter is an optical illusions that happens sometimes when shooting with digital cameras. It’s a byproduct of how the sensor inside a camera works. The illusion happens mostly with CMOS sensors because of how these sensors gather light. Compared to CCD sensors where the whole sensor is exposed at the same time, with CMOS […]
The Travel Lighroom Presets collection from LoadedLandscapes includes 100 Lightroom presets designed to transform your photos with a single click in your photo editing workflow. These presets have been created especially for improving and optimizing travel photos, and with a collection of 100 presets at your disposal you will have a great variety of effects […]
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