We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Histograms are like road maps. You need them in order to see where you’re going. Without them, you’re just guessing. OK, I suppose with some experience you can get a pretty accurate guess. But if you’re a perfectionist like me, you’d feel way more comfortable if you knew you nailed the shot with the perfect […]
Everyone loves a good picture of themselves. In an increasingly visual world, having a few on hand is practically crucial. Luckily, the folks at the COOPH have compiled a few guidelines on what it takes to tackle portraiture for any occasion: If you’re like most people, the version of yourself that you bring to a job interview […]
Is photography getting you down? Did you stretch your budget to buy the best camera you could, then realize you were in over your head? One look at that inch-thick manual, and many new photographers just switch their camera to ‘auto’ and that’s where it stays. Does this sound like you? Don’t worry, you are […]
Teleconverters are secondary lenses mounted between a camera’s body and lens in order to enlarge the central point of a photograph. Its effectiveness in that regard is not up for debate. Rather, the question most potential users contemplate is whether its presence helps or hinders the overall quality of their photographs. As photographer Jay P. Morgan explains, […]
Whether it’s birds or bears you’re hoping to capture on camera, wildlife photography requires gear that can stand up to the elements and take sharp shots at long distances. A little know-how goes a long way, too. So what do you need? This infographic from Tusk Photo covers the basics: Do your research, make a plan, […]
Selfies, weird borders, and crappy sunset shots. We’ve all rolled our eyes at these clichés, but what’s worse is that we’ve all been guilty of them at some time or another. In this video, Kai exposes the 25 worst photo clichés that you should avoid doing if you hope to grow as a photographer: 25 […]
Shooting a music festival can be a chaotic experience, especially if you’re not prepared. You need the right gear, the right planning, and above all, permission to even step into the arena. In this video, photographer Ruth Medjber shares some vital points that have helped her cover hundreds of festivals over a career spanning 15 years: […]
Photography is a visual art form, and just like any other visual art form, it’s difficult not to fall for clichés. Most photographers are guilty of standing at the exact place, at the exact time, and making the exact composition that they saw by some photographer they admire. Yosemite National Park’s Tunnel View, the Golden […]
When it comes to photography you are limited only by your imagination. Seemingly improbable objects can be used to produce images that are breathtaking. Academy of Photography shares an experiment in creative lighting, using something you normally wouldn’t associate with portrait lighting—an empty biscuit box: To try this experiment yourself, you’ll need a tripod and/or light stand, […]
Aperture—the hole within a lens that allows light to travel through to the camera body’s internal sensor—is one of the most influential factors in determining the look of a photograph. It’s crucial for photographers to understand the ins and outs of aperture as it heavily impacts both depth of field as well as exposure. This […]
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