We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Learning all the ways you can edit your photos and images is like someone that finally learns the proper drawing techniques. Before, the person was making interesting doodles, now he/she’s creating works of art. The talent was there but it was not fully utilized until full knowledge of the possibilities was gained. And it’s the […]
The typical formula for good food photography involves tack sharp focus, lots of natural, diffused light, and picture perfect styling. But food photography can go beyond still life. Steve Hansen demonstrates how to capture food photography with motion: The ingredients for this demonstration are used for a traditional dark Mexican mole. They come in all varieties and […]
Photography plays a huge role in our modern lives. We’re surrounded by images in advertisements, movies, and social media. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine what photography was like hundreds of years ago. Pixa Prints put together this informative timeline of photographic history, from the first photos projected onto walls to the technology of the past […]
Over my nearly twenty years of teaching university photography classes, I’ve come to discover that one area that students often have the hardest time mastering is depth of field. Whereas beginning students usually manage to work well with their cameras in manual mode, which forces them to make their own selections of apertures and shutter […]
Everyone wants to take better pictures. However, most of us aren’t willing to put in the long hours of practice and self guided study that it takes to become a professional photographer. Luckily, there are a few things that beginners can do to improve. Rachel Gulotta and Daniel Inskeep of Mango Street Lab review some simple steps […]
True photographers know the non-glamorous aspects of landscape photography. Those bad days when nothing seems to be going in your favor. When, despite your best efforts, you go back home empty handed—absolutely nothing to show for your hard day’s work. This is the blood, the guts and the sweat that all landscape photographers must shed […]
If you’re someone who loves to get your portraits coming out perfectly, you’ve probably spent some time learning how to retouch, especially when in comes to skin quality. Yet there are so many techniques, and not all of them lead to cleaner workflows and an excellent output. In fact, some “tried and true” techniques may […]
Whether you find yourself in a bustling city with towering skylines or a vast, natural landscape, the prospect of capturing a panoramic view is tempting. After all, the art of photography often requires artists to choose which details are most worthy of being included in a frame. Simply showing all that the eye can see […]
Did you know that there are seven different methods for making adjustments in Lightroom’s Develop module? Benjamin Warde demonstrates each option for adjusting exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, and more: Click on the slider handle and drag left or right. Click on the slider ramps and the slider will move to where you clicked. Input a number in […]
Small working space doesn’t mean that you have to be limited creatively. As a matter of fact, a lack of space or tools means you need to be more creative. Mark Wallace demonstrates how you can use even the tightest of working spaces to produce creative portrait lighting: The aim in this shoot was to capture motion […]
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