We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Some professional photographers are bashful to admit that they sometimes set their DSLRs aside for their iPhones. But, when push comes to shove, the portability and convenience of a camera phone is an incredibly valuable tool for any image maker to have in their arsenal. So, why not employ techniques that ensure the best images possible? Peter […]
More often than not, composing an image can be much like solving a puzzle. Although many photographers are filled to the brim with creativity, their challenge often lies in figuring out how to properly utilize their available tools and environment to best bring to life an idea. For many beginners, simply figuring out how to […]
Light painting requires only darkness and a light source to create beautiful shapes and patterns, but how you move the light makes all the difference. Professional light painting photographer Patrick Rochon has become a leading figure in this art genre with his amazing ability to create beautiful images with his hands and light tools. And, as is […]
If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years of photographing people, it’s that the response to candid photos versus posed is distinctively noticeable in my clients. That “aww” or “ohhh” I seek to produce and long to hear when presenting my work to a client intrinsically happens with those “in the moment” shots, […]
If you’ve ever printed a photo directly from your computer to your printer, you might have been surprised to find out that the color in the images didn’t quite match what you saw on your monitor. Getting an accurate output on your printer (or on a third party print press) can be tricky at best. […]
If your studio has large windows with directional light, white curtains or sheers work well to give you soft, diffused light. Sometimes when they’re working in studio environments, photographers go a little overboard with lights and contraptions when all they really need is there already. This tutorial from photographers Joe McNally and Daniel Norton is a lesson […]
As the United States gets ready to welcome a new president, photojournalist Pete Souza is reflecting over an eight year journey consisting of close to 2,000,000 photographs. With the unique job title of Chief Official White House Photographer, Souza had the privilege to follow President Barack Obama through his day to day life as Head of […]
To create fire rain you need some steel wool, a whisk, long chains to secure the burning steel wool as you spin it, and the usual long exposure tools. You’ll also need a brave model to stand under the fire rain. Untamed Science’s Rob Nelson and Jonas Stenstom take us through the paces to create […]
As both an artist and an educator, Dr. Yan Liang’s main prerogative is to highlight the allure of science through photography. For many, words like biology and chemistry bring to mind formulas and diagrams void of feeling. For Liang, this couldn’t be farther from what he feels science actually is—the whimsical and confounding moments that […]
Few things are more exhilarating than getting out in the wide open world with a camera in hand. However, venturing into the wilderness brings about specific technical difficulties that can be difficult to overcome. Courtesy of National Geographic, here are some of the most helpful tools a photographer have on hand when shooting out in […]
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