We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Most of us assume that a full frame camera will always give us better results on just about everything, with the only reason to not use one being the price. But is this really true? Do they always out-perform DX or APS-C cameras (crop camera)? Take a look at this video and see what you think. […]
Is your photography equipment gathering dust because your desire to be creative is gathering dust as well? Don’t let it! By sticking to some basics, and doing your homework, wedding photography can be a very stimulating and rewarding pastime. People are always getting married, so the opportunities for photographing weddings – and making some cash […]
Do you find yourself spending hours post-processing & editing your portraits photos? Or are you so intimidated by all the photo editing settings and possibilities that you just don’t even bother? Whether you’re new to Lightroom or a seasoned professional photographer, this new set of 101 portrait Lightroom presets from DPS & professional photographer Rachel Devine can save […]
Long exposure photography can be a very expensive genre. At the least, it requires a decent tripod, a ball head or some other type of tripod head, and a set of neutral density filters. The bill can easily run into several hundred dollars. But there are less expensive DIY options. Photographer Mathieu Stern demonstrates this $1 trick that’s […]
If you’re a young, new photographer, you probably aren’t too familiar with shooting film. Mind you, analogue is making a comeback, but digital is definitely the norm these days. Digital photography is just easier—less time and less money spent on materials. But, there is magic in film. If you’re getting (back) into film photography, you’ll […]
Here is a photo idea for a creepy Halloween portrait. A blood oozing, zombie photo that is guaranteed to scare the living daylights out of most. This tutorial from Fstoppers takes you step by step through the process of getting your model ready for the shoot, setting up the lighting, achieving a sinister look, and post-processing: Make […]
In low light situations, photographers often find themselves in a predicament when it comes to creating a proper exposure. Slowing down the shutter speed will allow for more light to register on the camera’s sensor, but increase the amount of motion blur captured in the final image. Bumping up the ISO can enable faster shutter […]
When you start out as a photographer, you probably don’t have a lot of equipment or money, so you need to come up with unique ways of using what you do have to create professional, beautiful looking images that sell. The thing is, you can do amazing things with just one light if you understand how that […]
Internationally acclaimed photographer Joe Capra has travelled to the most exotic, remote corners of the globe for the sake of his craft. Yet, in one of his latest short films, he proves that there’s a deep allure to more familiar sights as well. Behind the viewfinder of Capra’s camera, the City of Angels looks positively magical: With the […]
High speed sync can dramatically change an outdoor portrait. Shutter speed controls the amount of ambient light that a camera captures. The faster the shutter speed, the less amount of ambient light captured by the camera. Using this principle, you can make wonderfully exposed outdoor portraits with blurred background—without blowing out the highlights. Another advantage of using high […]
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