We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Have you ever thought about what goes on behind the lens of your camera? While many photographers use their cameras to capture amazing imagery, you’d be surprised at how many are unfamiliar with the internal mechanics behind it. To help understand exposures and what happens within the mirror box, The Slow Mo Guys created this helpful […]
Whether you’re a fan of portraits or fashion photography, you’ve probably heard of photographer David Bailey. His work transformed the way Great Britain viewed fashion photography. He is often considered the perfect mix of technical brilliance and sheer force of personality, and Bailey uses this to capture amazing and natural images that offer a total […]
This popular course is designed to help users become a Photoshop or Photoshop Elements expert from the perspective of professional photographers. In the world of photoshop tutorials, it is difficult to find the key tools & functions that are critical for photographers, these lessons help you master them in any version of Photoshop. Watch anytime you like, as […]
It doesn’t matter what you do for a living, proper safety is key to preventing injuries. It’s no surprise that even photographers utilize proper safety measures to keep both people and their equipment from coming to harm. To help ensure proper light stand safety practices, David Bergman created this helpful video on correct light stand etiquette when […]
Accurate exposure is one of the fundamental elements to capturing an exceptional photograph. While it is by no means the only aspect to keep in mind, knowing the correct placement and techniques for light meters is critical for achieving consistent and accurate exposure results. To help understand a little more about the subject, Phoenix based […]
Textures can add a lot of spice to your photos, provided you know what you’re doing. In order to use a textured background for your photos, it’s recommended that you photograph your subject using a gray background so you can blend the textured background and the photo you want to render the background on and create a […]
“How long will it take?” is a common question among those interested in learning photography. Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple or straight forward answer. There are many factors that come into play when learning about photography. To help break it down, consultant and professional photographer Mike Browne created this helpful tutorial to tackle this complex […]
Many of us want to take pictures of lions, tigers, bears, and other small furry creatures without the expense of a trip to Alaska or the dangers of a photo safari in Africa. In order to do this, many of us turn to our local zoos which allow us to take as many photos as […]
Delightfully concise and visually descriptive, this video from Richard Wiseman defies our perceptions and vividly shows how perspective can be completely warped in the act of fitting a three-dimensional world into a two-dimensional image: When observing scenes on our daily life, our brain is constantly picking up visual cues in order to deduce the distance […]
Shooting low key photographs in a studio environment is easier than you think. With just one source of light you can experiment with it in a hundred different ways. You also need a dark background—preferably a black one. The idea is to have a lot of contrast in your images. Gavin Hoey explains: For this shoot, […]
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