We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
If you’re in the market to buy a new camera, your first step will be deciding between a DSLR and a mirrorless camera. The choice is a common problem photographers struggle with. While both types of cameras have the ability to capture great photos, each has its own list of advantages and disadvantages. Professional photographer […]
Golf isn’t thought of as a dynamic sport to photograph, because the action isn’t fast and there are very strict rules on photographing PGA events. One would be quite surprised at how much opportunity exists to capture raw emotion, beautiful surroundings, and athleticism to the photographer who is willing to seek out the possibilities. Go Wide […]
When shooting on location, the best of plans don’t always work out—especially when working with animals. That’s why it’s important to make sure you have the right gear with you. In the video below, award-winning photographer Bobbi Lane takes us through her gear choices as she does a beautiful photo shoot with horses: While it […]
When’s the last time your printed one of your photographs? We live in an age of immediacy. It’s not unheard of to take several pictures a day and share them on Facebook within seconds of their capture. But with the speed of life, our online images are also quickly forgotten. Gone are the days of […]
Whether they’re a seasoned photographer or just starting out, every photographer has their own way of preparing for an event and a process for making the ‘magic’ happen. However, very few photographers have a way of helping their clients to be relaxed and natural like New Zealand photographer Jonny Suckling. In this video, Suckling showcases his legendary Suckling […]
Ever wish you could do a bit of magic with your camera? Maybe create a scene that you know is impossible in real life but looks real to the viewer? Or maybe you enjoyed some of the special effects in your favorite Godzilla or Star Wars movies? Either way, the “magic” involved is often incredibly […]
Mastering Lenses: A Photographer’s Guide to Creating Beautiful Photos With Any Lens is written for everybody who wants to learn how to use their lenses to create better photos. As you get to know your lenses, and understand the effect of focal length and aperture on the aesthetics of the photo, you will learn how to […]
Whether you’re working on your portfolio, adding a few new clients, or just taking portrait photos, it’s important to know how to take a great headshot. This type of image is common in portrait photography, and it’s often the bread and butter of a photographer’s businesses. Headshots can be used for social media purposes, revamping the […]
With the advancements in digital photography, we have seen a great leap in the quality of timelapse photography. Brad Goldpaint has taken full advantage of these advancements and combined it with his own perspective and photographic prowess to create his own timelapse, “Within Two Worlds.” Complimented by Serge Essiambre’s piano melody, the two create a […]
Want to really do something different with your photography? I’m not talking about changing angles or adding filters, I mean really different. Psychedelic, funky, neon, blacklight different. All you need is a UV light and a few easy-to-find glow-in-the-dark accessories. Here, photographer Markus Berger demonstrates a few ways to really amp up your photos with different UV […]
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