We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Surrounded by the beauty of nature, many photographers experience a longing to capture those stunning vistas, towering mountains and waterfalls, decorated valleys, and quiet pools, alive with light and color. Unfortunately, after photographing landscapes, many photographers often experience a startling sense of defeat when the images turn out to be shapeless, emotionless and otherwise amateur […]
Have you ever imagined what it was like to take photos during the Civil War era? You had a huge camera with no shutter, no aperture control, and you had to have an array of chemicals just to make a single image. Not to mention your subjects had to stand still for several seconds while […]
As photographers, we’ve all probably suffered from lens envy at some point or another. It’s not uncommon for a good portrait lens to cost more than a camera body, and most of us just don’t have that kind of budget. The good news is that it’s entirely possible to shoot amazing photos with the kit lens […]
If you want to reduce the amount of time you spend on post processing and get amazing results with your photos, these Lightroom presets could be the answer. The bundle includes 14 different collections for a total of 300 presets that will totally change your work in Lightroom. Found here: PresetKingdom Complete Lightroom Presets Bundle This included set of […]
Ask everyone that’s ever tried to take photos of their baby, it’s hard work. No matter how good they look on camera, simply trying to point the camera at a baby and take a picture is going to yield some very… unflattering results. Thankfully, in the video below Michael Kormos gives us some much needed tips […]
Finding the right tools when you need them in Photoshop often requires clicking through a myriad of menu options. Keyboard shortcuts are like worm holes that let you slip through those menus and options and get to what you need at the blink of an eye. In this video, Aaron Nace demonstrates how you can customize keyboard shortcuts to […]
Our world is filled with patterns. They’re everywhere around us, but we often overlook them. Photographers often utilize repeated elements to give the viewer a pleasing sense of harmony and order. The elements might be shapes, tones, forms, or lines. When taking photos of patterns, put focus on them by isolating them from the surroundings. […]
Timelapse videos are a dime a dozen, but every once in a while we come across one that’s truly well done—even stunning. This timelapse of the beauty of the Western states, made by Portland adventure photographer Leif Smith, might just be one of those: Shot mostly in the western United States and Canada, Smith’s “Vista” timelapse […]
For all their convenience, connectivity, and image quality, there are some things that even the best smartphones in the business can’t do right. That includes getting great bird shots. But with Sam Hume‘s creative techniques, you might just be able to get away with using your smartphone for bird photography: Hume uses just a few things […]
When you first take a look at photographer Marcelo Maragni’s images, you might think that they’re a product of Photoshop. But the truth is they’re all created in camera. Maragni’s photos are created with multiple exposures. In the film days, a multiple exposure occurred when the strip of film did not advance to the next […]
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