We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Even though I’ve been using Adobe’s Lightroom for a long time, there are still things that I learn, from new techniques or features I hadn’t noticed, down to small details that have escaped my focus. Benjamin Warde, a Lightroom team member, managed to teach me yet another small aspect of Lightroom that I hadn’t noticed […]
Do you love action sports photography? Would you write it a love letter you love it so much? Well, here’s a great video by COOPH doing just that. They love action sports photography so much that they’ve created a wonderful tribute to it and all the photographers who travel the world, going to serious extremes […]
Sports photographers routinely face occupational hazards. There are stories of professional sports photographers getting bumped, knocked down, and bruised. They consider themselves sort of ball magnets and getting hit as something that is part of the job. Take this unfortunate photographer, for example: At the 2016 World Indoor Track and Field Championships in Portland, Oregon, American […]
As the Chief Official White House Photographer, Pete Souza has an enviable job. He has to make the President look good: For a start, Souza has access to President Obama almost 24 hours a day. He follows him wherever he goes. However, there’s more to it than just unlimited access. “Everybody carries a digital camera these […]
The photo tip for today is about using “short lighting” and “broad lighting” patterns in your portrait photography. Flat lighting will ruin your portrait photography! Caution: An on-camera flash aimed at the subject will produce flat lighting. Bounce the flash off the walls, ceilings, off a reflector or something else. Never aim it directly at your […]
Next time you decide to pose for that mermaid picture, don’t turn your back to the ocean. The sea always has a way of catching you off-guard: Hanging out on the beach, Rosangela de Silva spotted a gorgeous looking rock. It gave her the idea to pose like a mermaid on it. While she posed, […]
If you want to be a studio photographer, there’s something you should know about: how the size of your softbox is affects the quality of light produced by it. In this video, photographer Gavin Hoey speaks specifically about soft light and demonstrates how the size of the softbox affects it: What is Soft Light? Soft light is about shadows […]
Germany offers photographers some of the world’s finest landscape photo opportunities—it features thick forests, rustic castles, terrific sunsets, and vast bodies of water. As if you needed any proof, here’s an excellent compilation of some of the finest images to come out of the country in recent years:
San Francisco based photographer Joe Aguirre doesn’t think of himself as a storyteller, but his photos definitely give us an intimate look into his life, travels, and the lives of the people he meets along the way. He says a poem would be the best thing to compare his work to, and judging by this beautiful […]
Wedding photography is a delicate art as is, but isolating the bride and groom means you have to master two different types of portrait photography. In the video below, Scott Kelby shares his tips for shooting the groom solo: Kelby starts things off by setting up a Westcott 50″ Mega Apollo softbox at a standard 45-degree angle with low power, since […]
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