We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
The 2016 Complete Photography Business Bundle is a once-in-a-life time collection of eBooks, worksheets, video tutorials, and tools to help you kickstart or grow your photography career. Unfortunately it is now over, stay tuned to see what’s next! The craft of photography, for you, is more than a hobby, it’s a business. Managing and marketing your […]
Team portraits are easy to snap but difficult to master. A lot of basic portraits stick with the obvious shots—line up the players, stand in front of them, and shoot a few times in case someone blinked the first time. But Kentucky-based photographer Matt Hernandez has some suggestions for anyone about to fall into this trap: by changing just […]
What do you do when you can’t find photography work? Pitching is a good use of time, but too much can burn out new artists. Here’s another idea: Watch every movie, go to every art gallery, and dig out every photo you can find to get new visual ideas for inspiration: This advice comes from established […]
This is one of those moments that makes every young person groan and slap their forehead, as if to say, “No, Grandma, there’s no film anymore, you can take as many shots as you want”: View post on imgur.com And yet, in this self-evident animated GIF, there is sadness, too: the dramatic irony that we, the laughing audience, want […]
So you want to be a fashion photographer? Sounds exciting? Sailing around on yachts with models, shooting in the Caribbean or Tahiti, or maybe even Paris with your favorite model are perks of the job, right? How fun it must be to shoot models for Victoria’s Secret and Sports Illustrated! Who wouldn’t want to travel […]
Oh, the things you can do with old Christmas lights! Whether you’re feeling uninspired or simply looking for new ways to shoot old subjects, this video by SLR Lounge reintroduces photographers to five everyday items (well, four everyday items and one we bet you don’t have lying around the house) you can implement in your own […]
What’s better than great animal photography? Why, funny-looking animal photography, of course. Case in point: This series of dogs trying desperately to catch treats, flailing (and sometimes failing) hilariously in the process. The series is called Photos Frei Schnauze by German-based photographer Christian Vieler, who shoots with a Canon 7D and an incredibly high shutter speed (usually around […]
Say you’re watching a game of ice hockey when suddenly you realize—along with the not-so-amused players and the refs—that there are two pucks on the ice! That’s exactly what happened during a recent Ontario Reign game: The second “puck” was, in fact, a harmless lens hood that dropped off a sports photographer’s lens. Play was […]
What would a camera without a lens look like? The answer, according to a team of researchers at Rice University, is literally anything. By ditching the bulky lens, cameras could be built to be flat, allowing them to be contorted or positioned in anything—they could be flexible, curved, or subtly placed inside other devices: Leading the team […]
What a difference a photographer can make. That’s the lesson learned in these two videos, hosted by Mark Wallace and Gavin Hoey, who took on a challenge to shoot the same model in the same studio with the same equipment in 20 minutes or less. This is the first video, which focuses on Wallace’s portrait: The two […]
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