Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

11 Photos in the Name of Love

11 Photos in the Name of Love

Love is something we should celebrate every day, not just on a few special dates during the year—or at least not just on dates that are universal for all of us. Pick some of your special days—that day you got engaged or the day you first met. If you still love Valentine’s Day, make something […]

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Building Trust: Advice for Photographing Couples

Building Trust: Advice for Photographing Couples

There’s a reason that so many professional wedding photographers offer complimentary engagement sessions along with their wedding packages. It’s a simple reason, but it’s powerful, and it’s the key to capturing stunning wedding photos: trust. Here, wedding photographer Ryan Brenizer provides basic advice about how to conduct a successful engagement session and explains the importance of using engagement […]

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Rembrandt or “Cross” Studio Portrait Lighting Made Easy

Rembrandt or “Cross” Studio Portrait Lighting Made Easy

It’s easy to overthink studio lighting and become convinced that you need elaborate equipment setups that include multiple strobes and reflector panels, all meticulously positioned and expensive to boot. However, as portrait photographer and Adobe Photoshop expert Glyn Dewis explains in the following short tutorial, making compelling portraits with just one light source is not only easily possible, but also incredibly effective. Watch his technique […]

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Creating a Pond Inside a Photography Studio

Creating a Pond Inside a Photography Studio

What’s the best way to light a small pond? Create the pond yourself. That’s what Spanish photographer Gonzaga Manso did, using an inflatable pool along with some rocks and fake vegetation to create this stunning surreal portrait of an elderly couple in love. Watch the behind-the-scenes video here: Manso is using six lights in total—a two main […]

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Portraits of Americans and Their Guns

Portraits of Americans and Their Guns

On Boxing Day, Patrick Hall from Fstoppers headed out to the gun range to photograph ordinary Americans flaunting their new Christmas presents. The idea started out as a sort of a dare, but Hall took it seriously making it his next photo project: The setup was simple, an Avengers stand to hang a 8 foot […]

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Creative Posing Ideas for Groomsmen in Wedding Photos

Creative Posing Ideas for Groomsmen in Wedding Photos

Every professional wedding photographer knows that exuberant (and often partially-drunk) groomsmen can be especially challenging to wrangle and photograph. If you aren’t equipped with an arsenal of easy, fun poses that will channel groomsmen’s energies into great images and inspire them to cooperate, the photo shoot might just get away from you. If you have had trouble in the […]

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Cinemagraph: How to Create a Moving Moment Within a Photograph

Cinemagraph: How to Create a Moving Moment Within a Photograph

Cinemagraphs are known as “living moments in an otherwise still photograph.” By capturing a beautiful photograph and adding subtle motion, you have the perfect medium to show a small snippet of a moment and tell your story. Here is an infographic that covers everything on how it’s done: Here are the takeaway tips on creating a cinemagraph: […]

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Canadian Traffic Camera Accidentally Films Snowy Owl In Flight

Canadian Traffic Camera Accidentally Films Snowy Owl In Flight

January 3, 2016 started out just like any other wintry day for a traffic camera mounted above Sources Boulevard and Highway 40 in western Montreal, Canada — that is, until is accidentally filmed something amazing. Watch: The video went viral after Quebec’s transport minister, Robert Poëti, tweeted about it, including screenshots of the majestic bird. Magnifique harfang […]

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28 Genius Photoshop Tricks

28 Genius Photoshop Tricks

Like it or not, the key to your success as a digital photographer won’t be determined simply by your creative eye, the quality of your camera gear, or your mastery of lighting and compositional techniques. You’ll also need the post-processing skills to make your photos competitive in your field. Without thorough knowledge of your chosen image editing software, […]

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If You Hate Photoshop Tutorials, You’ll Love This Parody

If You Hate Photoshop Tutorials, You’ll Love This Parody

We here at PictureCorrect post our fair share of Photoshop tutorials. It’s nice when experts take the time to explain a complicated program to us—even if it takes 15 or 20 minutes. The problem is when the viewer knows a little more than the teacher may predict. Case in point—this video: This frighteningly accurate parody comes […]

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