We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Are you ready to smile? ‘Cause this golden retriever is, whether you’re game or not: Not much to say about this one, folks, unless you want to ask why this photographer is using a tripod for his iPhone. But if you can ignore that, then sit back and watch this GIF 20 times on repeat.
When talking about camera resolution, we often refer to the 300 dpi (dots per inch) rule and how we don’t really need more than 8 megapixels. The term dpi is borrowed from print media. It loosely translates into something like this: when you hold an 8 x 10 inch image at an arm’s length from […]
Black and white photography just got a lot more exciting… In fact, it got a lot more artistic. Last year, Sebastian Michael’s Photoshop Artistry Course was one of our most popular deals, and now he’s releasing a much anticipated course on creative black and white photo artistry. The offer we received on this course has now […]
It’s a common refrain in photography: “Keep your back to the sun.” You generally want to shoot with the light, so it helps brighten up your image. But shooting against the sun—where the sun is behind your subject, or even visible in the photograph—can lead to great results, too, often with stark shadows and awesome contrast. Here’s a […]
While playing with composition, you’ve probably come to understand the notion of a “frame within a frame.” It’s interesting how many opportunities there are for framing the scenes around us, and yet they often go unnoticed. Maybe it’s a plain open window with a view of the mountains or the frame of the glasses that […]
Have you ever felt like nobody cares about your art? That every time you upload a photo to Facebook, the only person to “like” it is your mother? Maybe your cousins? A few friends on Flickr? You’re not alone. So many artists of all sorts—photographers, filmmakers, painters, writers—get discouraged by the lack of immediate interest. The world of […]
One of the most difficult parts of entering an industry is getting to see how the industry actually works. There are internships and apprenticeships, of course—but those don’t pay well, if at all. How else can you see a professional at work, to really comprehend how the system functions? For a (mostly) uncut, thoroughly detailed look at […]
Macro photography is not only fun, but it can produce some of the most stunning images out there. The way you can get incredibly detailed close-up shots of flower petals, raindrops, insects—beautiful up-close and personal glimpses into everything Mother Nature has to offer. But, there’s beauty in everyday inanimate objects, too; you just have to […]
One morning in Paris, when everyone else is rushing off to work, a young man gets on his stationary bike and takes a leisurely ride through the bustling streets. While enjoying the slow, laid back ride, he encounters a young woman on her own stationary bike. It’s love at first sight for him, and the […]
Digital camera technology is improving at a rapid pace. It’s easier than ever before to take a correctly exposed, correctly focused photo. Yet most people’s photos just look like snapshots. They’re a long way from the beautiful photos you see in magazines. I’m a professional photographer based in London and I’d like to share with […]
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