Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

A Fantastic Flow-Motion Photography Ride Through Istanbul

A Fantastic Flow-Motion Photography Ride Through Istanbul

In what’s probably the best tourism video to be released this year, viewers can take a hyper-lapse ride through the streets of Istanbul, across the Bosphorus River and into the famous Sultan Ahmed Mosque—all in a rapid-fire two minutes. Check it out: The video was made by British media specialist Rob Whitworth, who’s made similarly […]

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Step Into a Fairytale With These Photos

Step Into a Fairytale With These Photos

Fairy tales are stories of things that happened, as they always say, a long time ago. They show us the world of magic and untold mysteries. These fairy tale photos can make a story all on their own. If a photograph is worth 1,000 words, what do you think these photographs say? Do you have […]

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How to Remove Shadows in Photoshop

How to Remove Shadows in Photoshop

How can you make shadows disappear? There are a number of ways—curves, filters, brushes—but Glyn Dewis prefers a method called frequency separation that uses a combination of everything. Watch how he does it below: He cast the shadow of his model’s glasses with a cross-lighting rig, but he’s using Adobe Photoshop to get rid of it. It’s a fairly complex […]

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6 Tips Every Newborn Photographer Should Know

6 Tips Every Newborn Photographer Should Know

Are you just starting out as a baby photographer? Have you been doing it for years? Either way, baby photography comes with its own set of unique hurdles, especially when photographing newborns. Besides just choosing the right lighting and pose, newborns need extra special care at all times. To make it a little easier on […]

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5 Reasons Why You’re Not Making It as a Photographer

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Making It as a Photographer

Are you struggling to make it as a photographer and just can’t seem to get there? You’re not getting jobs, people aren’t buying the photos you put online, you say you’ve tried everything, and you don’t know what else to do. Photographer Jared Polin may help put things into perspective for you. There’s no beating around […]

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How Many Lights Do I Need for Portrait Photography?

How Many Lights Do I Need for Portrait Photography?

In portrait lighting you can use one, two, or even three or more lights to create different effects, but if you’re a beginner, how do you know where to start? This short video by photographer Daniel Norton gives some great pointers: Key Light In portrait lighting, we usually start with a key light. This on […]

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Annoying Types of Instagram Photos

Annoying Types of Instagram Photos

I love Instagram, it’s the service that brings everybody closer to photography—easy to use and catchy, it gives anyone the chance to let their imagination run loose and create unique, stunning shots that can be shared at a tap. But with so many people using Instagram, it’s hard not to notice some recurring themes. Here […]

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Canon’s “Decoy” Experiment Proves a Photographer’s Perspective is Everything

Canon’s “Decoy” Experiment Proves a Photographer’s Perspective is Everything

What ultimately shapes a portrait? Does it have more to do with the subject—who they are, how comfortable they are in front of the camera, etc.—or does the photographer possess most of that power, able to mold an image according his or her knowledge of the subject and how skilled he or she is with a camera? Canon wanted to find out, so they […]

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Friendly Deer Photobombs Outdoor Newborn Portrait Session

Friendly Deer Photobombs Outdoor Newborn Portrait Session

Meticulous planning and work ethic definitely sets you up for success as a photographer, but amazing, career-defining photographs aren’t always captured as the result of careful planning and dedication. Sometimes, you just get lucky. Sometimes, Mohammed Ali approaches you with a play punch and you just so happen to have your camera ready. Sometimes, lightning strikes just as a runner with the […]

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What to Look For in a New Camera Instead of Megapixels

What to Look For in a New Camera Instead of Megapixels

Browse the display cases of any big-box electronics retailer and you’re bound to see one statistic prominently displayed on each camera model, right beneath the name: megapixels. Consumers have come to understand this as the be-all, end-all fact of a camera’s worth. But does it really matter? The short answer is no, megapixels do not matter. The longer answer […]

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