Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Inspiration from a Cowboy Turned Photographer

Inspiration from a Cowboy Turned Photographer

When Carl Oksanen first embarked on his journey to Wyoming and began work as a “dude wrangler” on a ranch nestled between the Teton mountains, he probably never could have guessed where he would end up. This charming man describes his journey: from dude wrangler to bull rider, backpacker to contractor, and finally: full-time photographer! […]

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10 Comfort and Productivity Tips For Female Wedding Photographers

10 Comfort and Productivity Tips For Female Wedding Photographers

As a woman, and as a photographer, there are many things you can do that men can’t. Compared to a man, a woman in a bride’s changing room, can make the bridal “getting ready” photos more comfortable and less stressful for the bride. Women photographers also offer a unique outlook and photographic eye. These ten […]

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How to Set Up and Use a Large Format Camera

How to Set Up and Use a Large Format Camera

Interested in large format photography? Even if you’re already out there practicing, or you’re just getting started, the process of taking pictures with a big 8×10 camera can take some getting used to. In this video, photographer Tim Layton takes us through the steps of setting up an 8×10 large format camera, metering the scene, […]

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How Tough is a Canon DSLR Camera?

How Tough is a Canon DSLR Camera?

Of course it depends on how much you pay, as to how well built your camera is but in this somewhat tongue in cheek video we see Canon’s 7D, an upper mid-level camera, being subjected to some torturous if not scientific tests: The camera was put into a number of test situations: First it was […]

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How to Photograph Water

How to Photograph Water

Photographing waterfalls presents the photographer with the opportunity to create some very creative shots. When photographed properly, you can make running water appear soft and almost ghost-like. This technique is not difficult to master, but it takes a fair amount of stamina and perseverance to achieve—not to mention some physical agility. This technique is best […]

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6 Steps to Better Headshot Photography

6 Steps to Better Headshot Photography

Two minutes. That’s what it takes to get through this informative portrait tutorial. But it gives you some very useful ideas on how to nail beautiful headshots that show personality. When it comes down to taking a great portrait, every photographer has his or her own recipe. For some it’s how the end result turns […]

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Was Color Film Made for White People?

Was Color Film Made for White People?

If you printed family photos in color between the 1940s and 1990s—and, as an important caveat, you’re not white—you were probably disappointed by the skin tones of the results. Because the relatively rudimentary chemicals that developers used to coat film had trouble accurately capturing darker colors such as brown, for years the industry standard for color was called the Shirley […]

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Odyssey: A Midnight Sun Timelapse of Iceland

Odyssey: A Midnight Sun Timelapse of Iceland

Iceland is one of the most mystical places for landscape photography, full of cascading waterfalls, stunning fjords, and floating icebergs. It just also happens to be one of the few places on earth where you can photograph in the light of the midnight sun, a truly unforgettable experience. But if you weren’t one of the […]

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Bullet Time Light Painting with 50 Cameras

Bullet Time Light Painting with 50 Cameras

Many artists have experimented with light painting, and the results are usually pretty incredible. But one group of artists recently took the art form to the next level, to say the least. The German team ZOLAQ worked with Olympus on a massive light painting project that used 50 cameras to capture this one mind-blowing composition: […]

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How to Use a Sun Bouncer or Reflector for Action Sports Photography

How to Use a Sun Bouncer or Reflector for Action Sports Photography

Using a reflector such as a sun bouncer is an effective way to light a subject. Photographer Leo Rosas explains how you can use this tool in a variety of ways; give your subject a warmer look, use a faster shutter speed and fill in unwanted or harsh shadows. It’s a great way to test […]

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