Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Bullet Time Light Painting with 50 Cameras

Bullet Time Light Painting with 50 Cameras

Many artists have experimented with light painting, and the results are usually pretty incredible. But one group of artists recently took the art form to the next level, to say the least. The German team ZOLAQ worked with Olympus on a massive light painting project that used 50 cameras to capture this one mind-blowing composition: […]

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How to Use a Sun Bouncer or Reflector for Action Sports Photography

How to Use a Sun Bouncer or Reflector for Action Sports Photography

Using a reflector such as a sun bouncer is an effective way to light a subject. Photographer Leo Rosas explains how you can use this tool in a variety of ways; give your subject a warmer look, use a faster shutter speed and fill in unwanted or harsh shadows. It’s a great way to test […]

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Advantages and Disadvantages of High Speed Sync

Advantages and Disadvantages of High Speed Sync

This video from The Slanted Lens demonstrates a secret that pro photographers use often. This is a trick that most amateur photographer would pay handsomely to know—how to use strobes in high speed sync mode on location: Normal sync mode does not allow you to use a fast shutter speed of say 1/1000 of a […]

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How to Hire a Model as a Photographer: Paid Talent vs. TFP

How to Hire a Model as a Photographer: Paid Talent vs. TFP

In case you’re not familiar with the term, TFP stands for Time For Prints, and it’s generally the way up and coming models and up and coming photographers eek out a toe-hold in the marketplace. The model is donating his or her time, and the photographer is supplying prints the model can use in their […]

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The 5 Most Annoying Kinds of Photographers

The 5 Most Annoying Kinds of Photographers

How often have you complained of being pestered by the Copy Cat or the Chatty Cathy or the Gear Nerd? These types of photographers and can make life a living hell for serious photographers. The video below is a light-hearted attempt at demonstrating five stereotypical (and annoying) types of photographers by Tony and Chelsea Northrup: […]

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Bokeh Lighting Techniques

Bokeh Lighting Techniques

Times Square in New York is any photographer’s bokeh heaven – the stoplights, billboards, street signs and headlights make for an interesting backdrop to any photo. Whether you’re shooting wide open or otherwise, Times Square will not disappoint. Jay P. Morgan explains in detail how to experiment with different lenses and distances from the subject […]

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What Makes a Photographer?

What Makes a Photographer?

It’s funny how everyone tries to tell what you are or aren’t. I spend a lot of time on the internet talking and working with other photographers and artists and every once in awhile I’ll run into a situation where somone is telling another that they are or aren’t this or that. For example some […]

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How to Capture Award-Winning Underwater Sports Photos

How to Capture Award-Winning Underwater Sports Photos

Years ago, Adam Pretty started out as a news photographer at the Sydney Morning Herald, but his true passion was sports photography, so he spent his spare time perfecting the craft. Today, the Aussie is a multi-award winning, world-renowned sports photographer who has traveled the world and shot for some huge sporting brands and events. […]

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Composite Photography Lighting Tips

Composite Photography Lighting Tips

Composite photography is becoming increasingly popular for commercial use and as interest rises in the technique, so does the talent behind the photographs. Photographers are adapting to the style and experimenting with lighting that will give them the best possible HDR experience. In the following video, a pair of photographers are presented with the challenge of doing […]

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Portrait Photography Lighting at Sunset

Portrait Photography Lighting at Sunset

Using the bright setting sun as a backlight can be intimidating for some photographers when shooting portraits outdoors, but it’s not impossible to get some great shots out of it. Check out the video below for some useful tricks and tips on shooting portraits at sunset, including how to use a xenon flashlight to create a warm, complementary […]

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