Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Basics of Photography

Basics of Photography

Trust me; there won’t be a test at the end of this article, but there are some basics of photography and terms that you should know if you are going to be serious about this subject. We will go through a few basics of photography concepts and technical terms below. First, we’ll talk a little […]

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Tips for Shooting Industrial Portraits That Sell

Tips for Shooting Industrial Portraits That Sell

Industrial portraits typically involve the most precious assets of a business—its workforce. These are the people who carry a business on their shoulders as they move the heavy machinery and keep the gears rolling. When a photographer is assigned to shoot industrial portraits, it’s important that they make the workplace and the staff look good. […]

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Armchair Travel: The Most Beautiful Coasts in the World

Armchair Travel: The Most Beautiful Coasts in the World

Summer (and its vacations to beautiful beaches and coasts to spend a few weeks away from everything) has come to a close. But, thanks to all the photographers who take their cameras on their vacations, we can sit in our offices and admire these most amazing scenes any time of year. Take a look at […]

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6 Genius IKEA Hacks for the DIY Photographer

6 Genius IKEA Hacks for the DIY Photographer

Photography can be an expensive pursuit—or not, depending on how you look at things and how resourceful you are. If you love ordering things from the comfort of your home and want things to be perfect, this is not for you. But if you love to tweak things a bit and save a handsome amount […]

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Wedding Photography: How to Make a Bride Look Her Best

Wedding Photography: How to Make a Bride Look Her Best

They say that a wedding is the union between two people who love each other and want to celebrate spending the rest of their lives together. We all know that, in truth, the day and the celebration is often all about one person: the bride. In the video below, Cliff Mautner partners up with Nikon […]

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Tips for Urban Photography

Tips for Urban Photography

Urban photography can be a real challenge for a new photographer. But you can often leave your apprehensions and shoot with a free mind when you’re with peers. One of the best places to hone your skills and enjoy a bit of pure fun while you happily snap away is at a photography workshop. Jim […]

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A 3 Light Setup for Fitness Photography

A 3 Light Setup for Fitness Photography

During a recent shoot for a fitness boot camp class, photographer Miguel Quiles used a basic three point lighting setup. This behind the scenes video of the photo shoot gives insight into the lighting tools and camera settings best used for fitness photography: Lighting Quiles’s basic three light setup includes a PhotoFlex FlexFlash 400W with […]

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How to Compete as a Photographer

How to Compete as a Photographer

Six words that change the game. If you’re trying to make a buck with portrait photography, it’s tough out there. There is competition—a lot of it. Every one of your clients or prospects has an uncle, a friend, or a friend of a friend who is a photographer, probably new to the industry, willing to […]

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Battle for Bokeh: The Best 50mm Lens for a Canon DSLR

Battle for Bokeh: The Best 50mm Lens for a Canon DSLR

Fifty milimeter prime lenes are the quintessential workhorses of the photography world. They’re fast, lightweight, super sharp, and reasonable priced (at least some of them). Along with fantastic images in low light situations you also get soft, mushy background blur. There is hardly a chance you can go wrong if you pick a decent one […]

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Unraveling Turkmenistan: Rare Photos of a Mysterious Country

Unraveling Turkmenistan: Rare Photos of a Mysterious Country

Turkmenistan could very well be a country that you’ve never heard of. But it’s probably one of the most mysterious places on the face of the earth. Before you start asking why, let me explain. Turkmenistan, a former Russian Federation state, is definitely an acquired taste for a visitor. Not the most open and or […]

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