We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Every genre of photography comes with its own set of challenges. But perhaps one of the most difficult genres is product photography. In product photography, every little detail matters. Every highlight, shadow, reflection, color, texture, everything. Hours and hours can be spent perfecting a product shot, and even more hours can be put in editing […]
Opposites attract. That’s what they say. Typically this saying refers to people. The quiet shy girl likes the talkative outgoing boy, the short man has a crush on the tall woman, and the scientist is married to the preacher. This saying can also be applied to photography, but rather than the opposites attracting each other, […]
Space is a frontier, and a difficult one to capture. Dr. Donald Pettit, a NASA astronaut and photographer who we wrote about a while back, takes us through the exhilarating experience of documenting outer space, and why photography is the perfect medium to do it with: Dr. Pettit describes in great detail the technology, equipment, […]
If you’ve dabbled with long exposures but still aren’t getting the results you’re after, you might just need a few tweaks in your process. In this video, photographer Deborah Sandidge talks extensively about long exposure creativity and the use of various tools in order to shoot great quality images in low light. In this video […]
Most of the time, when we research how to take pictures in a particular scenario, what we care about is getting the best results possible. That’s only natural, right? Well, there are certain circumstances where the most important thing isn’t taking care of the picture, but rather the equipment; you can always take more pictures […]
Focus stacking is an effective way to achieve deep depth of field; it’s a technique that’s especially used in macro photography. The idea is to make several images of the same scene—each one slightly off in terms of focusing distance—and then combine everything in Photoshop to create one image with big depth of field. The […]
Last Call with Carson Daly did a feature recently on prolific Hollywood photographer Michael Muller, whose recent work has his portraits looking a little bit more savage. In this clip, he takes us underwater to swim with the fishes, where he’s started on a very exhilarating project: Muller muses about his art, and how he’s […]
Photographers talk about white balance and color temperature a lot, but what do the terms mean, and why would you choose one setting over another? They can be a confusing topic for some, but in this video Pye Jirsa breaks down the basics of these tools and gives some concrete examples of how to use […]
The result of an exhaustive four-month project, photographer and stargazer extraordinaire Michael Shainblum gives us EXISTENCE: A Time Lapse Project, an truly amazing accomplishment in time-lapse photography: This video, set to music by Phaeleh, carries us across plains, over oceans, and high atop mountain ranges, where we gaze downward at the clouds and upward at […]
You might know by now the difference between hard and soft light. But the concept may still be a little fuzzy. Either way, this small refresher video should be able to answer any niggling doubts that you may still have: Photographer Robert Grant uses two different light sources to demonstrate the effect of hard and […]
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