Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

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The Best Ever Photoshop and Lightroom Cheat Sheets

The Best Ever Photoshop and Lightroom Cheat Sheets

Update 6/24/15: PDFs have been reformatted for easier printing. If you find yourself struggling to remember all of Photoshop’s and Lightroom’s shortcuts, these cheat sheets are just what you’ve been waiting for. The folks at setupblogtoday have created the ultimate printable guides to help you out here: 2015 Adobe Photoshop CC Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet […]

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Cycling Photography Techniques

Cycling Photography Techniques

F-stop pro photographer Jeff Curtes is no stranger to the outdoors. Skiing, snowboarding, cycling, Curtes loves the world of outdoor sports and he loves photographing them. Starting out shooting photos of his brother, (who became a pro snowboarder) he was able to gain attention for the blossoming sport and became a favorite among his clients […]

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Timelapse Photography Tutorial

Timelapse Photography Tutorial

We feature many timelapse photography projects here on Picture Correct, but rarely do we find such great examples of how they were made as we have with the Dustin Farrell‘s video that you can see below. Over the 17 minute explanation, Farrell generously shares with viewers the process he uses to capture the tens of […]

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How to do HDR Photography

How to do HDR Photography

HDR how? This is a simple how-to HDR tutorial to help you create amazing HDR photographs that make viewers say, “Wow!” When I saw my first HDR photo, I just had to find out how to take HDR photos, and how to process them. What I now know is that everyone can take an impressive […]

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42 Chilling Restored and Colorized Historic Images

42 Chilling Restored and Colorized Historic Images

Seeing old photos of past times and historic moments is always a bit of a trip. To see old buildings in their prime, pictures of people we only read about in history books, or past fashions and trends can be staggering. To see old war photos, soldiers long since gone, and awful portrayals of life in […]

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ND Filters: Beyond the Basics

ND Filters: Beyond the Basics

Natural light photography enthusiasts know that good photography is more about the light than the gear. However, there’s no denying that a few pieces of gear can take your photography to a new level. A neutral density filter is one such piece of equipment: Neutral density filters (or ND filters, as they are popularly called) […]

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Wedding Reception Photography Tips

Wedding Reception Photography Tips

As a wedding photographer your primary job is to make the bride look her most beautiful on her special day. It is also your job to document the events of the ceremony and create family portraiture while the entire family is gathered together. Also, you are responsible for documenting the festivities at the reception; the […]

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The Latest Trend is Even Better Than a Selfie Stick

The Latest Trend is Even Better Than a Selfie Stick

There’s an old saying in Romanian that the truth is told as a joke. That’s not always the case, but I believe that when it comes to the following video, satire is used to make a fair point: selfie sticks have taken over our lives. The people over at College Humor tackle the selfie stick […]

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Portrait Photography with One Light and a White Wall

Portrait Photography with One Light and a White Wall

Don’t be discouraged if you do not have buckets of money to spend on extravagant lighting setups, in the nicely made video tutorial below, Mark Wallace is back to share some of his endless knowledge with us. Wallace discusses a couple different ways you can make the most of a single light source when taking […]

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Dragonfly Photography Tips

Dragonfly Photography Tips

Insects have wing beats ranging from 12 beats per second for a large butterfly to 250 beats per second for a honeybee. Photographing insects in flight is one of the greatest challenges for all wildlife photographers. This article describes how to capture crisp, sharp images of dragonflies. During the spring of 2010, I hired a […]

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