We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Shooting amazing landscape photography isn’t just about going out into the wilderness with a camera and hoping for the best. Sure, sometimes you get lucky, but to make sure you’re going to capture incredible images, there are a few things you should take into consideration before snapping the shutter. Check out landscape photographer Serge Ramelli‘s top […]
Landscape photography relies a lot on good lighting. Let me rephrase that… it relies on great lighting. Great lighting can be found if you know where to look, and when. Understanding the balance of light—or light ratio—between foreground and background areas will put you on the road to better landscape photography. The background usually means […]
What if the best camera for the job was a pink watch-camera with only 0.3 megapixels? Photographers can sometimes get caught up in the equipment they use and think that only the best cameras can take the best photos, but DigitalRev TV shows us that even with a low cost and low quality camera you […]
Photographing climbers can be tricky. Photographing with strobes on location can be tricky. Photographing at night can be tricky. But if neither one of those are challenging enough alone, try doing all three, at once. This is what photographer Ray Demski‘s latest project involves. And if it doesn’t sound hard enough all ready, he’s also […]
If you’ve been looking for a tutorial on creating HDR images, look no further. Alan Kesselhaut has made a great video explaining all the aspects of high dynamic range photography starting with the equipment and ending with the editing process. Kesselhaut covers the three most popular pieces of HDR editing software: Photomatix, Adobe Photoshop, and NIK […]
With prom season upon us, consider these tips to take full advantage of all the photo opportunities. 1. Choose a clean background. If possible, choose an outdoor setting with some greenery—trees, bushes, anything with green or flowers. Place the subjects several feet in front of the background. If indoors, take a couple minutes to select […]
How sturdy is a tripod really? Photographer Joe McNally had a vision of balancing a gymnast on top of a tripod and finally had the opportunity to put his plan into action. In the desert outside of Las Vegas, McNally set up a simple shoot with two acrobats: To show how sturdy and important a […]
We all want our photos to come out looking like something from a magazine. But how do that? One of the world’s most well-known portrait photographers—with a portfolio full of celebrities—gives us some invaluable advice on how to take an excellent portrait. Renowned photographer Jillian Edelstein talks about her encounter with Nelson Mandela and how he […]
Beautiful, Clean, Simple, and Bold: These are a few of the words that describe Karl Taylor’s photographic work. For over 15 years, Taylor has been doing photography work, the most popular and successful of which has been his commercial images. His work is minimalistic, yet engaging. The camera shown is a Hasselblad H4D-50 used in […]
Unless you’re the type of photographer who always takes their entire kit with them wherever you go, you’ve probably experienced being somewhere where you just didn’t have the ideal tools with you. In this short tutorial, photographer Mark Wallace demonstrates some of his creative lighting problem-solving when presented with a unique opportunity while on the […]
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