Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Lighting for Liquid Composite Photography

Lighting for Liquid Composite Photography

Being able to freeze the movement of water at precisely the right moment requires good timing on the photographer’s behalf, but also very good lighting. The professionals over at Aurum Light Studio have pretty much nailed the art of water photography down to a science, and luckily for us, they’ve produced a behind the scenes look at one […]

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Little Nordics Timelapse Captures Life in Miniature

Little Nordics Timelapse Captures Life in Miniature

Dutch photographer Martijn Doolaard wanted to make a timelapse of Iceland and Norway that showed the beautiful remote landscapes, but didn’t just get lost in the sea of other timelapses doing the same thing. So he came up with an incredibly creative idea. An incredibly creative, cute, and downright enjoyable video called The Little Nordics – Life […]

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How to Use Photoshop Curves to Make Your Photos Pop

How to Use Photoshop Curves to Make Your Photos Pop

Photoshop Curves is one of the most powerful tools for tonal adjustments, whether you want to brighten, darken, add contrast, or shift colors. Yet it’s so complex, many users avoid it. In the tutorial below, photographer Joshua Cripps demonstrates a remarkably simple way to create great color effects using this most enigmatic of adjustment tools: […]

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How Hubble Telescope’s Iconic Images are Colorized in Photoshop

How Hubble Telescope’s Iconic Images are Colorized in Photoshop

These iconic images of space are actually black and white, and you’re about to see how they get colorized. The Imaging Team Lead for the Space Telescope Science Institute, Zolt Levay, explains how he uses Photoshop to add the color based on the images’ light wavelengths from different elements: Levay noticed that some of the Hubble’s […]

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Life in Natural Light eBook

Life in Natural Light eBook

Like life, natural light is always moving and changing. And with this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to anticipate, find and capture it. As a photographer, the most powerful tool you have is natural light. In this new eBook Life in Natural Light, professional photographer Rachel Devine reveals her secrets for finding and using natural light to […]

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The Exposure Triangle Explained

The Exposure Triangle Explained

One of the most basic concepts in photography is the exposure triangle. If you choose not to set your camera to auto mode, you must know when and how to use each setting in order to have a picture perfect photo every time. In this clip, Mark Wallace does a great job of detailing the […]

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How To Take Headshots

How To Take Headshots

At a recent Google+ photography conference Peter Hurley provided more great tips on how to take headshots.  When his presentation, The Art of The Headshot, went live, the folks of Google+ made it one of the most viewed of the series and with good reason–it’s chock full of information on one of the most overlooked areas […]

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Outdoor Portrait Photography Tips

Outdoor Portrait Photography Tips

It seems strange, but did you know employing a flash when taking photos outdoors will give you sparkling, vibrant images? Well, it’s true. Back in the days when I was starting out as a photographer, I learned that using flash for daylight pictures really improved the quality of my pictures. I practice this method in […]

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F-Stop Explained

F-Stop Explained

Part of becoming a great photographer is understanding the science behind how photographs are captured in the first place. Dylan Bennett makes that task a little bit easier with his simple explanation of the f-stop. In a brief video, Bennett teaches us all about f-stops by using handy visual aids such as charts and drawings. […]

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Car Photography Rig Tutorial

Car Photography Rig Tutorial

Take a look at the photograph below and ask yourself, “How was it created?” At first it looks like it’s a beautiful shot snapped from the sidelines on a racetrack, but then you notice the blurred background suggesting that the camera was actually moving with the car. But how is this possible? It seems that […]

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