Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Indoor Portrait Photography Without a Flash

Indoor Portrait Photography Without a Flash

Indoor portraits without a flash can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are some tips that can help you capture stunning portraits indoors without the use of a flash: Leverage Natural Light: Use the natural light available from windows or doors. This can create a beautiful, soft light perfect for portraits. Position your subject […]

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Macro Photography Using Extension Tubes

Macro Photography Using Extension Tubes

How convenient would it be if you could use your regular lens to take close up shots of subjects just as if it were a macro lens? While macro lenses are perfect for close-up images, they can be expensive for someone who doesn’t do much macro photography. This is where an extension tube can be […]

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What Makes Some Photographs Better Than Others?

What Makes Some Photographs Better Than Others?

Art is so subjective that there is no correct answer to this question. But there are some things that can help you analyze a photograph. I find it interesting that the majority of people can tell the difference between an average and a great photo and choose the ‘better’ one, but they struggle to articulate […]

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Zone Focus Tutorial for Street Photography

Zone Focus Tutorial for Street Photography

If you’ve ever tried your hand at street photography, you know how fast-paced this genre is. People move in all directions and actions happen spontaneously. You need to go with the flow and always be ready to take photos.  This is where zone focusing comes in handy. Street photographer Jonathan Paragas shows how to master […]

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How to Use the Exposure Triangle in Photography

How to Use the Exposure Triangle in Photography

Photography is an intricate art form that relies on the harmonious synergy of its essential components to produce the perfect shot. One of the most fundamental and critical concepts that every budding photographer should understand is the Exposure Triangle. It forms the foundation of photography, bringing together three vital settings – Aperture, Shutter Speed, and […]

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Garden Macro Photography Tutorial

Garden Macro Photography Tutorial

Macro photography is an exciting and adventurous field where you capture the details of small objects at close range, making them appear larger than life. Noted photographer Gavin Hoey recently embarked on a ‘garden safari,’ highlighting key aspects of macro insect photography. If you’re intrigued by the minute details of the insect world and are […]

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What is Noise in Photography?

What is Noise in Photography?

When we talk about “noise” in the world of photography, we’re not referring to audible sound. Instead, this term signifies something entirely different. Noise in photography denotes the visual distortion seen in an image, often manifesting as random specks or grain. But what exactly causes it, and how can we minimize it? Let’s delve deep […]

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Lens Considerations for Pro Wildlife Photography

Lens Considerations for Pro Wildlife Photography

Photography enthusiasts often feel that their equipment is holding them back, particularly when it comes to bird and wildlife photography. There is a common belief that capturing professional-quality images requires top-of-the-line gear that could potentially cost as much as a new car. However, according to professional nature photographer Greg Basco, this simply isn’t the case. […]

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Abandoned Building Photography Tutorial: 11 Tips

Abandoned Building Photography Tutorial: 11 Tips

Abandoned buildings can be a great source of images that portray broken emotional connection and also the power of time. However, there is a certain level of preparation and precautionary measures to take into consideration. Photographer James Kerwin with COOPH presents 11 useful tips and tricks to photograph abandoned buildings in the following video: Before starting […]

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Flash Photography: Taking Photos With vs. Without Flash

Flash Photography: Taking Photos With vs. Without Flash

Without flash: When taking photos without flash, you’re relying on the image sensor being sensitive enough to capture as much information about the scene as possible, based upon the available light—whether that’s ambient light from the sun, whether the sun is shining directly or being diffused through cloud cover. The larger the sensor, the more […]

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