Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

F-Stop Explained

F-Stop Explained

Part of becoming a great photographer is understanding the science behind how photographs are captured in the first place. Dylan Bennett makes that task a little bit easier with his simple explanation of the f-stop. In a brief video, Bennett teaches us all about f-stops by using handy visual aids such as charts and drawings. […]

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Car Photography Rig Tutorial

Car Photography Rig Tutorial

Take a look at the photograph below and ask yourself, “How was it created?” At first it looks like it’s a beautiful shot snapped from the sidelines on a racetrack, but then you notice the blurred background suggesting that the camera was actually moving with the car. But how is this possible? It seems that […]

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How to Use a Camera in the Dreaded Manual Mode

How to Use a Camera in the Dreaded Manual Mode

You’ve heard over and over again from more advanced photographers that you need to learn to shoot in manual mode. But that can be so intimidating and frustrating to a beginner. How do you keep all the settings straight? And what’s the point of shooting in manual mode, anyway? It’s actually simpler than it may […]

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Taking Pictures: A Boy Meets Girl Animated Short for Photographers

Taking Pictures: A Boy Meets Girl Animated Short for Photographers

Taking Pictures is a light-hearted and enchanting animated short film about love and photography created by Simon Taylor, a London-based animator and hobbyist photographer. This cute little story is getting big shares on social media, and it’s no wonder why. Watch as two young photographers stumble upon each other in a park one day and bond over their love of […]

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Should Photographers Ever Work for Free?

Should Photographers Ever Work for Free?

A hot button discussion in the photography industry lately is around providing free work for high profile clients who offer “exposure” as their payment. This can be tempting for a lot of photographers who may think it will get a foot in the door and boost their public profile. Many professional photographers have strong opinions […]

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6 Exciting New Features in Lightroom CC

6 Exciting New Features in Lightroom CC

After days of speculation and gossip, Lightroom CC has finally been unveiled. Along with a bunch of great new features comes a host of new tweaks and updates. Here, photographer Terry White shows us his six favorite new features in Lightroom CC: 1. Work with HDR Right Inside Lightroom An interesting new feature in Lightroom […]

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Photographer Woes: Stories of the Ignorant Client

Photographer Woes: Stories of the Ignorant Client

If you make money with your photography, you’ve probably come across a hard to please client or two. And hard to please is probably putting it lightly. One of the challenges of being a professional photographer is putting up with demanding, impatient, vague, and sometimes disrespectful clients. Oh, and of course, there’s always the ones who […]

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7 Creative Techniques for Funky Photos

7 Creative Techniques for Funky Photos

The COOPH team is back with more tips to capture unique and funky photos using a few everyday items and a lot of creativity. Photographers Anastasia Ehlakova and Julia Gebhardt have some great ideas when it comes to adding really cool effects to your images. These are easy-to-do, cheap techniques that will add that extra something […]

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Beginner Photography Tips

Beginner Photography Tips

This is an article targeted toward beginners just starting out. It’s not very technical information, rather it focuses on some simple yet important tips that beginners should consider. With that in mind, I would strongly advise you to read through the whole article, even if you’re an average amateur, just to freshen up on the […]

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Tilt-Shift Photography: Tips to Get You Started

Tilt-Shift Photography: Tips to Get You Started

Tilt-shift photography is the art of making—or rather faking—miniature. It gives an effect that looks like the objects in the image have been shrunk to a very small size. In tilt-shift photography, a real world scene is made to look like a miniature version or a model version of it. It is done in two […]

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