Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

How To Photograph Strangers

How To Photograph Strangers

Approaching strangers on the street and asking them if you can photograph them for your portfolio can be very intimidating for most photographers. Jimmy Hickey, however, almost has the task down to a science and he’s here to share some of his experience with us in the form of a whole slew of helpful hints. Check out […]

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How Camera Angle Affects Body Shape

How Camera Angle Affects Body Shape

Perspective can make a big difference when photographing any subject, but you especially want to be observant when photographing models. Shooting at different angles can drastically affect the way your subject looks and the impact made by the photo. In this short video, photographer Jay P. Morgan shows how changing camera angles can affect the […]

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Tips For Using a Reflector in Outdoor Portrait Photography

Tips For Using a Reflector in Outdoor Portrait Photography

Taking portraits outdoors without the use of expensive speedlights and strobes doesn’t have to be intimidating; even when you’re shooting in the harsh afternoon sun. As Pye from SLRLounge explains in the following video, you can get professional results using only a $30 reflector and a DSLR with a 50mm prime lens.  Pye shot on […]

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How to Protect a Digital Camera: 6 Natural Deadly Predators

How to Protect a Digital Camera: 6 Natural Deadly Predators

Digital cameras are usually hard-wearing and don’t require a lot of care and maintenance. However, there are 6 deadly natural predators that in a matter of seconds can shorten a camera’s life. By taking a few precautions, you can not only increase the life span of your photographic equipment, but you can also enhance its […]

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Tintype Celebrity Portraits at the Sundance Film Festival

Tintype Celebrity Portraits at the Sundance Film Festival

Digital photography has its many virtues, but when it comes to really getting inside the process of watching an image come alive, there is little to compare with the old methods. Before digital there was film and before film there was the wet plate collodion process—a truly elaborate and complicated process. There is still a […]

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How to Simplify Your Lightroom Workflow

How to Simplify Your Lightroom Workflow

While Lightroom makes it a whole lot easier to copy, edit, and manage your photos, you still need to know what you’re doing to make proper use of the software. In this video, photographer Phil Steele shows you exactly how he manages to keep his Lightroom workflow simple: Copy the Images to Lightroom First things […]

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12 Affordable Speedlites, 1 Dramatic Portrait

12 Affordable Speedlites, 1 Dramatic Portrait

We’ve talked about it before many times, but I’ll say it again—you don’t need the most expensive equipment to take great shots. In his own little challenge to prove this, Oregon-based photographer David Iliyn recently did an outdoor night shoot using 12 cheap off-camera flashes. Sure, 12 may be a little much, but the end result… should look […]

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What if Camera Reviews Were Like the Show Top Gear?

What if Camera Reviews Were Like the Show Top Gear?

With the demise of the popular TV show Top Gear, at least in its current form, fans from all walks of life have started to try to fill the void that the show left in their hearts. And since we talked about professional photographers being some of the most inventive people we know, it wasn’t […]

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13 Deep Thoughts for Photographers

13 Deep Thoughts for Photographers

When you really sit and think about it, photography is a little mind-blowing. Inspired by Reddit’s Shower Thoughts, Matthew Rycroft put together this compilation of mind-bending truths about photography: Here’s what he came up with: 1. Taking a photograph is like taking a screenshot of life. 2. You are in the background of other people’s […]

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Beach Photography Tips

Beach Photography Tips

Have you ever been on a beach holiday and thought it would be a good idea to take thousands of photographs to remember how beautiful it was, only to be disappointed with the final result? I’ll bet you took a portrait of your loved one only for the shot to turn them into a dark […]

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