We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
For Joel Meyerowitz, being a street photographer is more than just taking good photographs, it’s about taking images that are capable of awakening emotion and consciousness. He is a fond believer that photographs should, not only make a person feel alive, but give them a feeling of having experienced the context of his photographs as though […]
When a program contains over a thousand photo effects, the thought of choosing just one might seem like a daunting task, unsuited for the indecisive. The modern day dilemma of choosing between the filters like X-Pro II or Valencia extends to a wide array of choices for various types of photography in Topaz ReStyle. Restyle contains around […]
When it comes to landscape and nature photography, autumn gets a lot of attention because of the bold fall colors, and so it should. In the winter, getting around can be more challenging due to ice and snow, but the winter does offer plenty of potential as well. The presence of snow can transform a […]
Converting color images into black and white is a fun process, especially if you know what you’re doing. But most photographers are shy of getting their hands wet because of the sheer complexity and workload. Hopefully this video by Andrew S. Gibson will clear the air around the process: Convert to Black & White The […]
The purpose of this article is to show the thinking process involved in the preparation and pre-visualization of a wildlife photo session. These notes relate to the work in the field where the photo shoot will take place. It’s assumed that the photographer will have done the research: visited the location if possible, studied maps/Google […]
Welcome to Elgin Park, a nice wholesome mid-20th century American town, where big, old-timey cars drive down peaceful tree-lined streets of friendly neighborhoods, where the milkman still delivers milk bottles to your door, where people still go to the local car wash and small local movie theater. In these photos, Elgin Park appears to be […]
To talk about this latest innovation in artificial lighting, let’s just say that you have the power of the sun in your hands, 24-hours a day, 365 days a year regardless of whether it is overcast, snowing, or raining outside. Okay, let’s rephrase that. Let’s say you want to take natural light portraits, but the […]
The essence of photography is built upon the workings of light and shadow. And when it comes to portrait lighting, the use of light and shadow has very different effects on the final image. In order to create some common ground between photographers, Lindsay Adler has identified a few key photography terms that you should […]
It’s easy to get caught up in technical details and Photoshop tricks, but sometimes we all need a reminder to get back to basics. Photographer Joshua Cripps has some great tips on how to get better results in your photography by paying attention to composition in the following video: Cripps explains that for many people, […]
When it comes to dodging and burning, everyone has their own technique. Some take a little more time than others, but the results will ultimately be better. Fashion, beauty, and portrait photographer Michael Woloszynowicz shows us four different approaches to dodging and burning in Photoshop and explains when you can use each—and what limitations to expect: 1. […]
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