Photography Tips & Tutorials7170 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

How to Take Great Table Shots in Wedding Photography

How to Take Great Table Shots in Wedding Photography

One of a photographer’s least favorite types of pictures to take at a wedding is the table shot, the pictures of the guests at each table at a wedding reception. This is because it is hard to get everyone from a table organized, and it does not have the artistry of other photos at a […]

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A Quick Tip for Healing and Cloning in Photoshop

A Quick Tip for Healing and Cloning in Photoshop

Are you having trouble retracing your editing steps when it comes to healing and cloning in Photoshop? Pye from SLR Lounge shares a quick tip that will help you improve your workflow: When most of us get into Photoshop the first he we do is hit Ctrl + J or Cmd + J on our […]

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Photography Transforms a Forest Into a Bio-Luminescent Wonderland

Photography Transforms a Forest Into a Bio-Luminescent Wonderland

As photographers, much of our time is spent capturing the beauty we see around us. Sure, we might augment what we see through filters or creative editing, but most of the time we’re working with what’s already laid out before us. Artists Friedrich van Schoor and Tarek Mawad, however, wanted to add a little something […]

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Portrait Lighting Tutorial in a Flash

Portrait Lighting Tutorial in a Flash

In our obsession of gear and accessories, we often forget that photography is all about light. Understand it, shape it, and capture it and your photos will be amazing more often than not. In this video tutorial, photographer Brian Wilson demonstrates how you can make amazing portraits using a single light by following these basic […]

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Topaz ReStyle for Post-Processing

Topaz ReStyle for Post-Processing

Find the perfect look for your photo. Topaz’s ReStyle tool lets you explore new artistic and creative possibilities for your images and helps you achieve looks you might not have thought of otherwise. Designed for professionals to transform images with just one click using over a thousand easily searchable styles and looks. Found here: Topaz ReStyle Deal Features […]

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Taking Photography to the Extreme in the Coldest Village on Earth

Taking Photography to the Extreme in the Coldest Village on Earth

If the winter weather has been getting you down, chilling your bones,  or simply making you stir crazy, and the forecast of yet another six weeks of winter just makes you want to run over Punxsutawney Phil (you know, that groundhog that saw his shadow on February 2nd), the photo album below might cheer you […]

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Emergency Photography Skill: Thaw a Frozen Camera

Emergency Photography Skill: Thaw a Frozen Camera

Matthew Saville recently spent a night shooting in the American Southwest. Saville, a seasoned astro landscape photography, has spent many a night camping out while shooting the night sky, but he’s used to the dry cold of places like Death Valley. He wasn’t ready for the humidity in the Southwest and definitely didn’t expect to […]

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5 Pros and 5 Cons of Using a Tripod

5 Pros and 5 Cons of Using a Tripod

Are you thinking about adding a tripod to your photography equipment? Before you go out and buy the first tripod you see, check out this funny video by DigitalRev TV that looks at the pros and cons of tripods to find out if you really need one: Tripod Pros 1. Stability. Three legs are always […]

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Incredible Earth Timelapse from the ISS

Incredible Earth Timelapse from the ISS

Lately, we’ve been served with a decent share of timelapses shot from the International Space Station. As strange as it seems, some of us are getting kind of bored with the incredible images of our planet from space. This proves how insatiable we are; our expectations keep growing bigger and demanding better and more dramatic […]

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Senior Portrait Photography: Natural Light Techniques

Senior Portrait Photography: Natural Light Techniques

If you think you need a ton of expensive equipment to take high quality senior portraits, you may want to reconsider. As Michael Sasser demonstrates in the video below, all you really need is a camera and reflector. Using this basic setup, Sasser was able to take some gorgeous shots of the soon-to-be high school […]

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