We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
When asked how to diagnose eye cancer, the first things that come to mind are usually lots of lab work, trips to doctor’s offices, and sitting nervously in waiting rooms. Few of us ever imagine that we might hold the key to early detection of children’s eye cancer right in our hands! Check out the […]
I have to admit it, there haven’t been many occasions where I haven’t been fascinated by high speed photos. No matter the subject, it looks great when it’s perfectly frozen in time. Here we have some excellent photos of ink dropped into water and frozen in time by Alberto Seveso: The process is fairly simple […]
Stop motion animation has been used as far back as the original King Kong film. King Kong was simply a stiff metal skeleton frame that was then covered in a moldable material and sculpted to look like a gorilla. Because the skeleton of the sculpture was stiff, this allowed the artist to make small and […]
Imagine that you’re clinging to a rock wall by only your fingertips hundreds of feet above the earth. You have been climbing for hours and now you can see the top, a multitude of feelings and thoughts racing through you. There’s frustration, joy, exhilaration, exhaustion. Fear—that the rope will break, that the next handhold will break […]
Hair lights, back lights, and barn doors, oh my! Studio lighting can be overwhelming when you first start getting into it. Some photographers out there have thousands of dollars of accessories associated with their studio setup. The good news is that you don’t have to be rich to enter into the world of studio portraits. […]
Pointing a DSLR at the sky is a popular past time for many photographers, but detecting an exoplanet with anything less than a telescope is a bit, well, unusual. If you’re a photographer with a fascination for space and a love of DIY projects, this tutorial from IEEE Spectrum might be right down your alley. […]
Have you ever looked at some of the amazing portraiture on the cover of Rolling Stone or Vanity Fair and wondered how it was done? You may not have heard of Mark Seliger, but you’ve certainly seen some of his work. Actors, musicians—even presidents—have had their portraits taken by him. Iconic images like the nude […]
Unless you’ve dabbled in timelapse yourself, it’s difficult to comprehend the time and effort that goes into the process, but so many photographers make it look easy. During his recent five week trip to the South Island of New Zealand, photographer Matt Williams shot 30,000 still images and compiled the frames into this gorgeous timelapse […]
We all know that certain photography techniques die out when better and newer technology replaces them. That’s what’s going on with the film at the moment. There are fewer and fewer manufacturers producing film, and even fewer shops developing it. But sometimes we still want that nostalgic feel in our photos: Aaron Nace shows how […]
Most photographers aren’t fortunate enough to have a permanent studio setting where they can spend time developing a personalized lighting setup that provides them with a consistent body of work. Rather, most professionals travel to photo shoots and have to work with the light and backgrounds that are available on site. This can be especially challenging for natural light photographers, who […]
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